Simple Question to Creationists

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Ilovequestions's picture
@Travis Hedglin
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I'm not saying that a cat
rshendershot's picture
"Where are the new families?"
Travis Hedglin's picture
For one, asking where new
maberl's picture
and not to forget It started
ThePragmatic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
K̶e̶n̶n̶y̶ Amber to be banned
cmallen's picture
I hope not, I rather like him
maberl's picture
Well the very idea of this
Ilovequestions's picture
Well, I had to take a little
ThePragmatic's picture
Again, a completely incorrect
Mitch's picture
Scientist despite religion...
Ilovequestions's picture
Mitch's picture
Actually, there is no
Ilovequestions's picture
Mitch's picture
"That... scientists that
Ilovequestions's picture
CyberLN's picture
"I'm saying that WITHOUT
Ilovequestions's picture
CyberLN's picture
You used the term 'known
cmallen's picture
"Notice, I said "known" world
Ilovequestions's picture
@The pragmatic
ImFree's picture
Creationist scientists are a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If we allow an evil book to
ImFree's picture
The problem with creation
ThePragmatic's picture
Ilovequestions's picture
@The pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture
I'll havet to address the
Ilovequestions's picture
@The Pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture


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