Simple Question to Creationists

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Mitch's picture
I appreciate how you
ThePragmatic's picture
You flatter me, sir. ;D
Ilovequestions's picture
1a) You miss the point of why
ThePragmatic's picture
Ilovequestions's picture
@The pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
The purpose of science is to
Darkhenoc1's picture
Hello Aber, To answer the
Pitar's picture
The thinking creationists
Draško Ćalušić's picture
i was thinking the same
Draško Ćalušić's picture
evolutin can be observed and
maberl's picture
It appears to me that
maberl's picture
OWWwww the return of the
charvakheresy's picture
@ ilovequestions: I am sorry
GOD'S NOT DEAD's picture


Attach Image/Video?: 

Nyarlathotep's picture
Your explanations don't even
mykcob4's picture
What a load of horseshit.
Sir Random's picture
Oh look, fair game. Finally.
Sir Random's picture
Also, the Bible is not
Sir Random's picture
One more important thing. We,
Dave Matson's picture
The 3 (3 in 1 trinity?)
Dave Matson's picture
Abeer, Here's another serving
Michał Kraus's picture
There is a simple answer to
Dave Matson's picture
Michal, you have already
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work.
Zonyra's picture
Wait I think they claimed God
Sky Pilot's picture


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