Spot the LOONIE!
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Well, I don't know about and prophecies, but I did have what felt like a pigshit movement a few days ago after participating in the Death Nut Challenge with my stepson. And I'm here to tell you it was a most unpleasant experience. (I'll spare you the details.)
@ chimes
1. 'Prophecy' hasn't succeeded except in hindsight.
2. If it wasn't for skeptics you would still be buying indulgences and burning herbalists
3. Posting disconnected links from fictional shows proves nothing.
Be off with you.
Finally, something to work with.
Are you unhappy with One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge that was sponsored by the James Randi Educational Foundation?
You do know that challenge was open to all,and it disproved and debunked many frauds?
Do you want to see the answer?
And I definitely been having some shit movement today. I just had some abdominal surgery and finally got over the "constipation" stage. Boy, that was something to deal with.
Now, let's see if I feel well enough to deal with your shit.
Prophecy. There ain't no such thing. Never did, never is, and never shall exist.
And here is some prophecy for you:
Yes, and the answer will be a big pile of (horse hoowhee).
@Chimesandstorm Re: "Do you want to see the answer?"
Nope. No, sir. Not at all. Please do not tell me. I am quite comfortable in my little bubble of ignorance, and I do not want to be disturbed by reality. As it is, I am still trying to get over the heartache of very recently finding out Santa Clause is not real. Worst day of my life. Still in a bit of shock, as a matter of fact, so I do not believe I could handle any other reality facts right now. Please have mercy and take your answers elsewhere.
Santa Claus ain't real? When did this happen?
Does this mean the Great Cosmic Bunnies ain't real as well?
**tree rumbling off while a crying wail sussurates in the background**
There, there....*gently patting a drooping branch*....(At least I hope that's a branch.) It'll be okay. We will somehow pull through this Santa catastrophe. Hey, chin up, though, big guy. At least we still have the Cosmic Bunnies. Nobody can take THAT delusion away from us. Stay strong!
Let's start with what should be obvious by now:
Instead of throwing videos at us and hoping we can decipher your message, I request that you explain your position/grievance.
Because right now I have no idea what your point is.
Would you like it if all I did was respond to you with videos?
Next we will cover the main reasons for divine retaliation. There are many other causes, but we will stick to the worst offenses.
Umm, no. We covered three pages based on your incoherent posts, and none of it made any sense. I am done with this.
I almost never click links, especially youtube links, unless someone makes an argument and post's the link as a reference, and if it is a youtube link, with a time reference so I do not have to wade through 45 minutes of ridiculous proselytizing where the theist ties himself into knots trying to explain a simple concept.
I am not interested in doing research legwork on a subject I already definitively know the answer to. There is no god, the evidence is overwhelming, I am not going to sit through a 45 minute lecture when I already know this. Make your concise point if you are a theist proselytizing and I will read it, then realize I read it all a 1000 times before (proselytizers are unable to come up with anything new, hmm wonder why that is?
Randi, you just won the worst prize of all - DIVINE RETALIATION.
"Apocalypse Now"! And the helicopter attack scene! Awesome! Great movie!
And I don't run anymore, by the way. Two knee surgeries after many-many years of military PT and airborne ops. I'll just stand and fight. Even if I don't win, I plan on taking a few fuckers with me, at least. But - hey - that's just me. *grin*
It's hard to find this moron scary to be honest, his spiel is as scary as the prospect of being drowned by a mermaid, or gored by a unicorn. The guy started a thread and misspelled loony in the title ffs, that says it all really. The scariest thing about him is his execrable grammar.
I have had to give running as well, and cycling and just about everything at the moment. I'm dabbling with Voltarol gel at the moment in the hope I can ease up on my painkiller consumption for a while . Osteoarthritis in my shoulder and spine, and chronic fribromyalgia causes muscle spasms, and that's nowhere near as much fun as it sounds. Still this is child's play compared to the prostatitis I had two years ago, that was unpleasant. Then again even that was not as bad as some have it, my heart goes out to people with real problems, like a colleague who had to retire a few years back with rheumatoid arthritis in his hands, ankles, and feet, now that's nasty. Intelligent design my arse.
The modern non-religious man assumes a new existential position toward reality compared to all previous history. He regards himself as the sole subject and agent of history, and he refuses with scorn all appeals to transcendence. He considers the sacred as the prime obstacle to his freedom. He believes he will only become truly himself by demystifying everything, until he has killed every God.
So this event is seen by modern to have no significance at all other than it happened.
I believe it symbolizes the spiritual death of atheism and the forfeiture of divine protection
I believe you are training for the world championship in straw man fallacies. It seems promising.
Attach Image/Video?:
Which world view will not exist, sh&thead...
As if the Nye geek and the gang of atheists we deftly deal with ( can destroy thousands of years of religious belief. Scoff.
@ Chimes
Rarely do we see such a very special kind of special as you are demonstrating.
It's no surprise an illiterate moron doesn't know that atheism isn't a world view, but.....nah that's all really. You're clearly too dumb to bother engaging in anything like debate, not that you have offered anything beyond rhetoric and YouTube links anyway. As I said, I am as scared of your fairy-tale afterlife as I am of being drowned by mermaids or gored by unicorns.
Anyone who finds the myths surrounding Nostradamus compelling is obviously too stupid to perform even some cursory research of those spurious myths. The length a belief is held for doesn't remotely validate it, so that's another priceless fallacious cliche. It seems this clown is alternating between straw man claims and logical fallacies.
I've talked to several people who claim to have won the JREF million dollar challenge. Everyone of them was batshit crazy, including this person.
We're not even close to done with you, clueless oblivious morons...
Please show us the logical fallacies, stawman arguments, and grammatical errors, you clueless imbecile...
Notice the WTC and the MUSICIANS in the BACKGROUND PAINTING !!!!
The word TRAGEDY literally means “GOAT SONG” - TRAGIC OIDE: “goat
song”; perhaps the derivation of the word “tragedy” (were goats
awarded as prizes? does this refer to the ritualistic slaughter of
the sacrificial animal? the scream that the goat makes when slaughtered?)
Now what does the WORD “TRAGEDY” mean? "GOAT SONG”? STRANGE…
and now notice BUSH is reading about a GOAT ****EXACTLY**** as the WTC burns. This is a question of *SECONDS*.
Notice also the REVERSALS in this scene:
3) THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD SURROUNDED WITH THE POOREST AND MOST POWERLESS SEGMENT OF U.S. SOCIETY (i.e., mainly black young girls), many of which will be condemned to a miserable existence, working *as if* they were slaves for a capitalist system that allows the Bushes, Trumps, and other rich BigWigs to lord over everyone.
You people are fighting God when you should be fighting the capitalists... You are so wise.
Obviously you are blind to the REAL ISSUES.
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No joke; I have left instructions with trusted people to pull the plug should my mind become that unraveled.
To me you are just annoying little sh&ts. Unfortunately far greater powers do not feel the same.
Actually, if anyone is being an annoying shit, it is you.
Read your posts compared to ours. You are the one using annoyance while being a shit.
I wonder if chimmity chim has a girlfriend. He needs to get out.
I wonder if chimmity chim has a girlfriend. He needs to get out."
Of course he does, it has fake hair and everything.