Spot the LOONIE!

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LogicFTW's picture
The guy cannot even argue for
chimesandstorm's picture
Well, that's not entirely
LogicFTW's picture
Have no idea who you are
Sheldon's picture
"Well, that's not entirely
chimesandstorm's picture
Did a strawman day something?
arakish's picture
ChimesyBaby: Did a strawman
Sheldon's picture
It's no surprise to me you
chimesandstorm's picture
The last of the atheist
LogicFTW's picture
While you are talking to
Sheldon's picture
Bullwinkle "The last of the
chimesandstorm's picture
Now is the time: hear what
Sheldon's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
This guy sounds and posts
arakish's picture
Yeah it does seem similar.
arakish's picture
And another sign of Chimes
chimesandstorm's picture
Again the last atheist
arakish's picture
***looks out window***
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Nope I don't
arakish's picture
ROFLMAO. I never realized
Sheldon's picture
Wow, he got something right.
chimesandstorm's picture
And now for some
Sheldon's picture
Bullwinkle "He just seems to
arakish's picture
chimesandstorm's picture
You need to relearn your ABC
Tin-Man's picture
@Chimes Re: "You need to
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
arakish's picture
arakish's picture


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