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"To me you are just annoying little sh&ts."
Feel free to fuck off anytime, Bullwinkle.
Who is "You"?
The most idiotic place on the internet – THE JAMES RANDI EDUCATIONAL FORUM (Now called the INTERNATIONAL SKEPTICS FORUM). But they all think exactly the same like their master James Randi, so the name change conceals the real mode of their thinking.
The one-dimensional atheist is a total conformist slave to the system who goes to great lengths to convince nothing is real except the existing reality. They are incapable of seeing beyond the facts established by the criminal totalitarian system. They attack anyone different, who thinks different, who believes different, yet they themselves are all the same…
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heh, I'm a long time member of the JREF.
Nyarl - If you want to us all to have a real blast, post a link to this thread on their forum. Then let the games begin!
The JREF does not have a forum anymore, and you know that.
"nothing is real except the existing reality. "
Another belly laugh. Oi, Bullwinkle, you owe me another irony meter.
Mon, 07/09/2018 - 01:41
chimesandstorm " Please show us the logical fallacies, stawman arguments, and grammatical errors, you clueless imbecile..."
If that's a question it should have question mark at the end, and it's straw man you moron, not stawman (sic).
You owe me a new irony meter, you witless cretin.
This moron needs to be sent to the front...
Because he has more intelligence than this moron...
no he is annoying little twat
Mon, 07/09/2018 - 01:41
chimesandstorm " Please show us the grammatical errors"
"no he is annoying little twat"
Hahahaha uh, oh! Oh no, irony overload. You owe me a new irony meter you clueless dickhead.
More intelligence?
you are on the verge of complete self-destruction...
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Good. This ought to be fun to watch...
definitely. I bought two extra boxes of popcorn. I expect to be amused. Because so far it has been hilarious. We should sell this plot line to some TV executives, it would make great weekly comedy.
Mon, 07/09/2018 - 01:41
chimesandstorm " Please show us the logical fallacies, stawman arguments, and grammatical errors, you clueless imbecile..."
Oi, Bullwinkle, you owe me a new irony meter .
@chimesandstorm Re: "you are on the verge of complete self-destruction..."
Well, for me personally, not yet. Although, I DID have that self-destruct option installed a few years back - you know - "just in case."....*wink*.... Very complicated procedure, though, to get it activated, and I could NEVER remember the damn password. Finally got smart and had it engraved on my left butt cheek. Problem is, I now have to carry a mirror around with me everywhere I go. Annoying, true, but better to have it and not need it, rather than need it and not have it. It's all about being prepared.
Keep up the good fight, my man. You are doing a helluva job on here. No retreat, no surrender, and all that jazz....*fist bump*...
And to add that encouragement from some of me best friends from my military service:
In general...just a it weirdo month here? What with Somebody, Anybody, and this total charmless dipstick, Chimes and whatever, and a few drive by shouters they all seem to have been taken off their meds and released into the community in a rush.
No point in engaging them except for personal amusement or to goad them into displaying their their depths of derangement. What is it? the Idiopalypse?
LOL. I love that: Idiopalypse.
Most of you, old farts and what not, are harmless enough. Just keep your nonsense to yourself and you will be ok.
Oh. Well. Here...
And another...
And finally...
We will show the end of the Randi road...
You mean like this...
Now I am confused...are you saying Nostradamus did predict stuff?
Because if you are, the links to snopes and urban fools contradict your rather mad assertion entirely.
Your pages are such a mess and hodge podge of links, words, fictional TV shows and plagiarised rubbish it is hard to know exactly what fuck you are on about.
Yeah; all I've managed to extract is he likes insulting people, Nostradamus, Depeche Mode, and does not like James Randi. Hard to stitch something together out of that.
Listen up, people. I don't know why you guys are having so much trouble understanding our pal Mr. Chimes, but allow me to lay it out for you real quick. It's really easy, and you are going to kick yourselves once you see how obvious his message is. So, in a nutshell....
Nostradamus predicted the band Depeche Mode would secretly insult their adoring fans using coded lyrics based on the quatrain. However, centuries later, James Randi came along and debunked that prediction using the Fibonacci sequence.
Now, what is so difficult about that?....*hands on hips*... Sheesh! Can't believe (once again) that I am the one having to explain this. I mean, c'mon, it's all right there in gray and tan, as plain as the nose hairs on a frog's face. Wake up, folks!
And I thought he had used the infinite regression of Fractal Geometry.
@Arakish Re: "And I thought he had used the infinite regression of Fractal Geometry."
No, no, no.... THAT is what he used to debunk the myth that Milli Vanilli sang their own songs. Honest mistake, though, Most everybody gets those two mixed up.
at least that is coherent!