theists are selfish

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
To stay off topic, Travis,
XyberEX's picture
Oh, the answer is simple.
Nyarlathotep's picture
-Young child killed? Everyone
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
"The only answer A Theist
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Actually, in my experienience
science's picture
Lets face it... adults
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Do you honestly believe you
science's picture
So because I refuse to belive
Valentina Supergirl Taing's picture
dawkins isn't that smart.
science's picture
So, Dawkins isn't that smart,
truthseeker17's picture
"Theists are selfish" is an
science's picture
So, you are the "first to
GoldenLotus's picture
Although I agree with most of
science's picture know the old
truthseeker17's picture
"So, that means you AGREE
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Poverty and suffering do not
truthseeker17's picture
"Poverty and suffering do not
Nyarlathotep's picture
ImagoDei - "I can say that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I guess what I meant by that
cmallen's picture
Lol. Oh yes, god isn't
truthseeker17's picture
"Boy, it sure must be nice to


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