There is no evidence for abcense

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xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
Leper "@chimp3
Tin-Man's picture
To the tune of: "I've Been
NewSkeptic's picture
Leper on the 'puter with
Tin-Man's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
Cognostic's picture
Possibly's picture
"How long have you been on
Cognostic's picture
@Leper: "I think you said
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP - "There is no


Attach Image/Video?: 

Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL, that is what came to
Randomhero1982's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Random Re: "Soooooo, the
Randomhero1982's picture
Yep, all whilst Carl Sagan
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I assume that you are
Cognostic's picture
@LEPER: RE: "There is no
toto974's picture
First, we do, or I, do not
Sheldon's picture
PMLMAO, you're trolling, but
Sheldon's picture
@Leper please Google
Grinseed's picture
For Jo
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Grinseed Bravo...
Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "...we cant
Delaware's picture
@ Grinseed
xenoview's picture
Delaware's picture
@ xenoview
xenoview's picture
Delaware's picture
@ xenoview
Nyarlathotep's picture
xenoview - You can't prove
Delaware's picture
@ Nyarlathotep
Nyarlathotep's picture


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