Thoughts From A Cab Ride From A VA appointment

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EllieHarris's picture
Thoughts From A Cab Ride From A VA appointment

I'm typing quickly in a cab so pardon my spelling and sentence structure.
What good does it serve at this point to place a large emphasis on whether a person is a theist or atheist? I don't see it as being that helpful nowadays. Your position on the god claim tells me precious little about you. Whether you choose to act on and how you act on those positions is a different matter and not intrinsically linked to saying yes I believe or no I don't believe. Is there any rational, helpful reason to place a large emphasis purely on whether or not the next person you bump into on the street is a xtian, anti-theist, buddhist, or sunni?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well, yes, if the adjacent
EllieHarris's picture
One doesn't need to have
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I would
CyberLN's picture
Someone's position on the god
EllieHarris's picture
Cyber LN made fun of an
CyberLN's picture
Go right ahead and run to mom
ThePragmatic's picture
If theists didn't try to use
EllieHarris's picture
You have a point Pragmatic.

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