Time travel?

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Mardze's picture
Time travel?

Hello everyone, we know that time travel is fictional for now, but here's another situation...
What if you had a chance to ride a time machine and landed in place and time where Jesus existed, had proven his existence and witnessed his holiness...
Would you believe then, and claim him as your lord or god?
Would you make way into proving to everyone that he truly existed when you get back to the present time?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I don't need a time machine
Ellie Harris's picture
In order to confirm that he
Zaphod's picture
Mardze, I can't say has not
Lmale's picture
Going back to 'jeasus's time'
mysticrose's picture
Getting there might be
doniston's picture
Time travel is impossible and
juliafrod's picture
Some of my most cherished
Kreston's picture
I would love to go on an
demik's picture
Well, I see you're interested
williamwill009's picture
I like to travel, especially
benbenlol's picture
I also like traveling to
jessmilligann's picture
Traveling is an important


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jakejj's picture
I really love travelling but
frederickk's picture
It's wonderful to know you
Nelisss's picture
I would also prefer real
philljones22's picture
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