The Transgender deulusion
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I disagree, morality is about well being and preventing suffering, not being a servile slave to bronze age superstitions.
And this forum has guidelines against homophobic content, so tread carefully.
@ zuzu
"weakening of traditional religious authority"
Tell that to the child brides of religious families, the Yahzidi child sex slaves and the multiple generations of pretty Catholic altar boys.
Biggest load of drivel you have written so far.
Do i deny that? NO
The correct your post...religious dogma only leads to corruption, cruelty and bloody revolution.
@Someone Doing An X-Files Thing (The truth is out there.)
Here is a listing of my previous transgender posts. It may not be all of them, but it should be enough.
And John 6IX Breezy (whom you should love) responded:
Then I replied:
Read this whole thread. My posts make it pretty clear how everyone should be towards ALL others.
Some specific posts from above thread link.
And read the responses after...
Although it says "bullies" it also applies to "bigots"
Although directed at Terminal Dogma, consider it directed at yourself also
And here is someone else's response that is just too good not to include
There are many other posts. But I have already wasted some 30+ minutes of my time when I should been working. Damnit! Where'd I leave that Self Flagellation Device? **rumbles off to search**
Another Post I made but did not find also stated something like this (I may not get verbatim):
Who am I to dictate what ANY other person should view themselves. Hell, I have dated, and had sex with a transgender. She was a he. She was such a delightful person, I'd still be in a relationship with her if it had not been for me getting the job in Yellowstone. I could care less how anyone wants to view themselves. It is not my province to dictate such.
The only thing I can ask is that they do not bite my head off if I happen to use the wrong pronoun. All I ask is please correct me if I am in the wrong. Then I shall try me best to behave correctly. However, I also ask that the person work with me due to the many decades of ingrained bullshit I have had to endure and conform to.
I could care less how you wish to view yourself. That is you. The only thing I care about is the behavior and mentality of those who choose to be professional bigots and ass-wipes.
And you, sir, definitely fit within the category of being a professional bigot and ass-wipe. Tell me, is it fun brown nosing those who are in authority over you in your fantasy playland?
"OMG! Shapiro?! That Jack Ass?! You are kidding right?......"
Typical response from someone who has 0 to offer. The video has nothing to do with Ben but all about the "ponying". Anyway, for the record i do not 100% agree with everything Ben say. Many things he says I do agree with, while many other things he says i don't.
And I disagree with almost everything he has to say.
P.S. - Yeah, I know he is gone, but...
You keep saying "Bigotry and prejudice is the problem" yet, there is no evidence to back that up. You still have not addressed how to deal with the other 99.4% if a portion of the world decided to simply accept that which the individuals themselves (trans people) are not even able to define and themselves do not even understand. Sorry but you are not make any sense at all. If you want to pretend that all that is needed is acceptance then you are choosing to not live in a reality where many will not accept it. A solution for both parties (trans and normal people) needs to be something both will be happy with, it can't force the 99.4% to simply accept the 0.6% and everything that comes with it and vice versa.
More made up bigoted lies, no evidence for the claim as usual. Perpetuate the human race, what a truly moronic thing to say, reversing the human population ex[implosion is the single biggest problem we face, and it's getting worse at an exponential rate. I think spiritual is another made up flimflam word that has no tangible meaning, can you demonstrate any objective evidence that it exists? Gender reassignment is not a desire to do whatever one wants, it's a necessary step to stop people from suffering. Who has demanding being exempt from accountability, and what should they be accountable for?
You don't have the right to force your religious beliefs onto others.
im guessing yr the biggest SJW on here?
Are you against social justice?
"You keep saying "Bigotry and prejudice is the problem" yet, there is no evidence to back that up. "
You do make laugh, you have posted unevidenced lies from the start, and ignored all requests to evidence those lies. Now you want evidence that bigotry and prejudice are harmful, bigotry and prejudice is always pernicious. .
" Sorry but you are not make any sense at all."
Nonsense you've made assertions that have been flat out lies, like claiming gender dysphoria is a mental disorder when it isn't. You are simply prejudiced and are putting your superstitious beliefs before the rights and welfare of others. Plenty of people understand this just fine, and people who help decide if transgender people need reassignment surgery are experts, so don't lie. It is properly defined as well, just Google gender dysphoria and educate yourself.
" you are choosing to not live in a reality where many will not accept it."
What a stupid thing to say, because others like you still harbour bigoted prejudices against transgenders I am not accepting reality, firstly have never claimed the world wasn't filled with religious bigots? This doesn't change the fact that bigotry and prejudice are wrong deeply pernicious behaviours.
"A solution for both parties (trans and normal people) needs to be something both will be happy with,"
No it doesn't, abolition of slavery didn't make everyone happy did it you clown, You don't half talk nonsense, and now you''re making up false stats as well, and after asking for evidence from me. well lets see you evidence that 99.4% bs stat you're making up?
"it can't force the 99.4% to simply accept the 0.6% and everything that comes with it and vice versa."
Well you need to show a shred of evidence for your BS made up stat first, but that aside it absolutely can force people to change. Human morality changes all the time for the better. Abolition of slavery, civil rights, gay rights, gender equality and feminism. The fact a demographic is a minority and they scare the crap out of religious bigots is no reason to make them suffer and drive them to suicide. You need to mind your own business and grow up. You're also lying again now with your "everything that comes with it" claim, nothing comes with it except a chance at happiness and equality for trans people, and a few religious bigots having a hissy fit.
You are still offering nothing.
Very funny, coming from the man who has only offered bigoted lies, and is ignoring all posts he doesn't like with bare dismissal as you have done here again. try reading my post before replying.
Searching for the truth will never admit to this, but his own writing betrays him,
When all he has is a 5 word reply to your long well thought out and supported post, it means he has got nothing. And resorted to a simple attack. Act of a desperate bully that has no actual logical reasonable rebuttal because well, their position is contrary to reality.
your talk of bigotry is ironic
so is yours
What's ironic is you demanding evidence in the same post you made up fake stats, and in a thread you started with a shameless lie about gender dysphoria being a mental disorder. You are prejudiced against transgender people for no other reasons than because it scares you, and is contrary to your superstitious religious beliefs.
Call them whatever you want and i will call them what i want. Anyway, while i did not come here looking for anyone agree with me rather, came here to see if anyone might have a new/better way to look at the trans issue that could be beneficial society. Seems this conversation has been as useful as a yahoo comment section. Nothing but labeling and name calling due to the fact that no one can even answer the most basic questions surrounding this issue. I appreciate everyone's time and input(labels and insults included).
@ SfT
I gave you the link to the Trans cartoonist and speaker. Sophie LaBelle...did you bother going to her pages and reading anything? Or did you just wrap yourself in your false opinions and go back to sleep?
I sent you a cartoon as it would be easier for you to assimilate than the written word which you have a track record of ignoring. Why not try looking at things from an actual trans persons viewpoint? Too hard?
Don't expect to be taken seriously when all you offer is ignoramus like opinion.
@searching for truth
What you really mean is no one is giving answers you like. You are not searching for truth at all as your name implies, you are searching for answers that you like and conform to your world view.
Back to strait facts. When is the last time a transgender hurt you or anyone you know. And no, being upset because they are transgender does not count. Just like being upset someone has brown hair and dyes it blonde does not mean brown hair people cause real harm to people for switching to blonde.
I've come to play!
"If you are for it, why?"
(A) It’s not classified as a mental disorder in the latest DSM and ICD.
(B) Transgender people are not hurting anyone, unless you count “fear” as a kind of hurt.
(C)There is Evidence Supporting the Biologic Nature of Gender Identity:
(D) I’m trans.
"Why should we ignore science in this case?"
I’m not. See (C)
Welcome, and well said.
Welcome to our little corner of godless heathenistic paganism.
BTW: By all means have some fun too.
And great post.
Edit Addenda: I loved your first few lines so much I jumped the gun. "I'm trans." Good for you. I even dated a transgender once. No it wasn't a conflict except I got a job at Yellowstone and she wanted to stay with her mom.
@ PerceptionLies
Welcome, 1000 Likes for that post. Well said.
Howdy, Perception. You seem to have great depth. *chuckle* Welcome to our little patch of sunshine in the gloomy forests of religion. Hop in and have some fun. Great having you aboard.
Hi! Welcome to Atheist Republic. Hope you feel right at home among the people calling you delusional for existing, but hey, we've never been known for our decorum. Are you new here or just a new poster?
Thank you for your reply
“(A) It’s not classified as a mental disorder in the latest DSM and ICD.” - Correct, although many, many doctors still consider it a mental disorder. You will find many videos on YouTube of doctors saying it as, as well as many saying it isn’t.
“(B) Transgender people are not hurting anyone, unless you count “fear” as a kind of hurt.” - No, I do not consider fear a kind of hurt. I don’t know if you ready any of my replies but, this one explains my reply to the “fear”. It seems everyone wants to use that word “fear”, when in this thread (at least my posts) never mentioned anything about fear until it was brought up. So just to clarify, I do not fear trans people. Although, if a 7 foot dude dressed like a chick running at me with a knife a 3am, that would scare the crap at me
“(C)There is Evidence Supporting the Biologic Nature of Gender Identity:” – I was not able to access the article as it’s asking me signup. I have seen studies a that suggest the something similar while at the same time there are many studies that suggest otherwise. Reminds me of the whole “gay gene” myth.
While this whole topic is still extremely undefined by the trans community and everyone is just saying “accept and understand” and it will solve all the issues. I think the first thing that needs to happen before people will just “accept and understand” is the trans community needs to define what trans really means. What about being trans fluid? Trans species? Trans age (not sure if that the right term)? And any other form of trans.
“I was not able to access the article as it’s asking me signup.”
You can sign up. You don’t have to be a special person with ties to a university or a medical institution or something. I’m not, and I signed up.
“ I have seen studies a that suggest the something similar while at the same time there are many studies that suggest otherwise. Reminds me of the whole “gay gene” myth.”
If you haven’t read the article I don’t know how you can compare it to anything.
“I think the first thing that needs to happen before people will just “accept and understand” is the trans community needs to define what trans really means.”
Unfortunately, “trans” means different things to different people. And that's not going to change. I can only talk about myself. Although I have hypothesis’s that may apply to many trans folks.