The Transgender deulusion

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LogicFTW's picture
Thanks arakish. It is late so

Thanks arakish. It is late so short reply, full response with link tomorrow.

LogicFTW's picture
Sorry for the delayed

Sorry for the delayed response.

The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast
Here is the youtube link:

A tedxtalk from Daniel Amen (I know hard to take a last name like that seriously around here... he is even a bit religious, but keeps that out of this particular talk.)

Basically the guy is pioneering the work of using brain imaging to help with medical diagnosis of brain issues, rather than "shooting darts in the dark." He helped lead the first and largest brain image scan database that included outward symptoms the patients were exhibiting. He also did a bunch of work in the study of people that played football (american) and suffered brain injury, as well as imaging criminals convicted of murder, rape etc.

Interesting stuff.

As for your earlier post, I had no idea you were in a state where you had such night terrors, and ptsd triggering actions can have you waking up "later" by an emt giving you smelling salts.

You do get verbose, but that is fine, you are sharing stuff I am interested in hearing. I like a lot how much you enjoy learning.

I definitely understand the written word over the spoken word. In a format like this, you can take your time, edit something after you write it, and properly compose your thoughts, where talking, basically just moves to fast. Mistakes are made etc. Additionally actually listening to a person that is talking is far harder, as the person listening wants to form their own responses and thoughts to a point you make early on, and sort of "stop hearing the rest." As they are preoccupied with their response. All issues avoided in a written medium like this.

I think we all on some level have violent or repulsive thoughts, some more than others, trick is to not act on them. Which is probably easier for some than others.

It is great that talking about this helps you tremendously. Me talking here helps me process my own thoughts as well, make them more clear, and then, say mowing the lawn I am able to arrive at new conclusions while the thoughts I written and responses to them keeps the brain working in the background, leading to ah-ha! moments.

I imagine somewhere along the line someone told you to put your thoughts down on paper but keep them private. I think most would say better to put it to word and not act on them, then have them just sit endlessly in your thoughts.

I too wish I found atheist republic years ago, it really has fast forwarded me on key concepts in life and understanding of who I am and who theist are, as well as everyone else.

arakish's picture
Thanks for that link. After

Thanks for that link. After seeing some of those images, it really makes me frightened to have them do a SPECT on this sick mind of mine.

And that is another healing factor: To be able to openly and knowingly admit that you have a sick mind. I would also go so far that such an admittance is also what keeps those "intrusive and abusive and repulsive thoughts" from actually being acted upon. Many times I notice myself saying to myself, "Gads, that is repulsive." Then I will write those thoughts down, mull them over, talk to myself about them, and provide answers to myself. Then, as I said, I locked them away in encrypted ODT files.

I know, I said DOC files. That is out of bad habit. Much like me saying, "God Damnit!" when something goes really wrong.

One thing I have also held in high regard is the fact that EVERY person talks to themselves. And anyone who denies such, is not only misleading themselves, but the persons they say such lies to. That is NOT a sign of insanity. Where the insanity comes from is how you ANSWER your self. Just look at Smeagol/Deagol. Of course, it can get quite boring and start one on the path of delusion to have only oneself to speak to. Thus, is the greatest reason I am glad Atheist Republic is here.

Hell, I am even having the thoughts of including the relevant posts in this thread into that Soul Shatter treatise. What think?

And to be wholly honest, I love it when you and Cognostic go a bit verbose. It gives me something that is enjoyable to read. Yet similar to mine own thoughts.

Thanks for that link. It was some really good stuff.


ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
The issue I have with your

The issue I have with your examples, isn't with someone having multiples disorders, it's with mixing outdated ideas with modern ones. When you first made your post, I said you would make Adler proud. Why? Because Adler was the one that proposed the whole "inferioty complex" idea. I also told you Adler as Freud 2.0.

Freud explained a host of psychological events through his infamous Oedipus Complex and sexuality. Adler basically did the same thing with his inferiority complex. Both, however, make heavy use of the mysterious world of the subconscious in order for their ideas to make sense.

What I saw you doing, was taking old Adler psychology, and mixing it with modern psychiatric conditions, and using it to explain religious people.

arakish's picture
And that is exactly what

And that is exactly what psychiatrists and therapists do. They pick pieces and put them together, shuffle them around until they have chosen the correct ones and can apply a diagnosis. For PTSD, this can actually take months due to the fact that PTSD is basically a whole bunch of disorders rolled into one.

I do not care who proposed anything. I just know that the die-hard, inexorable, religious believers do suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Schizophrenic Delusion Disorder, and Inferiority Complex Disorder.

I am still looking for that paper. I may never find it. Just too damned many DVDs of backed up information (over 3 Terabytes!). AND a very poor labeling schema. AND that is not including the DVDs I do have with very good labeling schema. In the meantime, I am also rewriting it. Just might be a while.

What did your professor say about Soul Shatter? Of course, I seriously doubt you will show it to him.


Ramo Mpq's picture


You sir, are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for all your input.

Ramo Mpq's picture


Do you think we are born with any part of gender or as a gender? I don't know if my question is clear, what I am trying to say is, if at birth a baby boy or girl is thrown in the jungle and somehow grew up (think Tarzan). Do you think the boy will grow up to act like men do? Or do you think the man will can somehow act like a woman? I know my example is a bit extreme but, keep in mind this baby (now all grown up) has never met another human. What do you think he or she will naturally and most likely end up acting/behaving as? Will that person's gender coincide with their biological sex?

Please try to keep the answer straight forward. I'm talking about a baby that is born biologically 100% male or female.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Re-reading this topic I

Re-reading this topic I spotted another "Breezyism":

Breezy - Ironically, if there's one thing I do know its the basics of clinical psychology. One such basic principle is that distress and impairment are integral components to diagnosing almost every disorder, not just gender dysphoria.


Breezy - Gender dysphoria, at bottom line, is a cognitive issue and distress is completely irrelevant to it.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Read it a few more times. It

Read it a few more times. It'll click eventually.

Ramo Mpq's picture

Any thoughts or opinions on this 2 minute video?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Searching for truth - https:/

Searching for truth -

0:12 she says "human sexuality is binary". That is demonstrably false.

Sheldon's picture
No, have you?

No, have you?

arakish's picture
Only one. Still Cherry

Only one. Still Cherry-Picking? She does not address the XXY 23rd Chromosome. Those people are literally either/both sexes. And I know for a fact that EVERY transgender I have met has that XXY 23rd Chromosome.

Please quit promoting your bigotry. And remember this, the only bigotry I have is against bigots.


CyberLN's picture
@ Searching for truth, you

@ Searching for truth, you seem to care a great deal about this subject. Why?

arakish's picture


Hey, welcome back. Missed ya greatly.

I think it is because, deep down, he is either homosexual, or transgender.


Ramo Mpq's picture
wouldn't that just make you

wouldn't that just make you the happiest atheist alive? Lol

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
That was great lol

That was great lol

Sheldon's picture
Not really, and giving

Not really, and giving yourself 1 agree doesn't alter the fact you seem obsessed with other people's sexual identity and who they sleep with. Typical religious bigotry.

Ramo Mpq's picture

Hey Shelly boy. You're back? Thought you're still hiding in shame after your failed quora source yesterday hahahaha

Oh, and I didn't give myself that agree. Either someone for once agreed with me or someone made a mistake. Based off my past posts I'm hoping to set a new disagree record. You know what the current one is?

Sheldon's picture
This is my first post today,

This is my first post today, so I have no idea what you're blathering about, but given you're a demented troll whose disjointed rants seem to focus on ignoring the content of other people's posts, this is nothing new. Then again ignoring facts seems to be your raison d'être, hardly a surprise given it's a prerequisite of holding delusional superstitious beliefs in facile archaic myths.

My point was that your specious claim "wouldn't that just make you the happiest atheist alive? Lol" in response to this "I think it is because, deep down, he is either homosexual, or transgender." from arakish, is demonstrable nonsense, and you clearly are obsessed with other people's sexual & gender orientation.

As arakish pointed out people that obsessed with other people's sexual habits are generally suppressing some pretty strong urges, usually because they have lost all sense of self identity to religious indoctrination. Or they're just nasty little religious bigots of course, a simpler and more usual explanation in my experience.

arakish's picture
Actually what would make me

Actually what would make me happiest is to see the text in the image (link below) come true. This is the rear cover of my new book: Riding Some Wild Tangents 2: I'm Out The Closet Now.


Ramo Mpq's picture
Honestly, none other than the

Honestly, none other than the fact that it's everywhere now (at least in Cali) and I wanted to see if there were different view points I haven't seen yet.

arakish's picture
And there is ONLY one TRUE

And there is ONLY one TRUE view:

human = human = human = human; REGARDLESS.

You should get the idea. Any other view is moot.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT

@ SfT

" I wanted to see if there were different view points I haven't seen yet."

That's because you are so blinded by your own bigotry you cant see anything that does not agree with your book of fairytales...try looking at the attached strip from Sophie Labelle (Assigned Male gender) may shed some light on your understanding, don't worry about looking, being transgender isn't catching...

And here is a question for you...If you saw some of your co-religionists about to throw a transgender person off a rooftop would you intervene?


Attach Image/Video?: 

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Atheist Rule #136: Use the

Atheist Rule #136: Use the word bigot when you run out of arguments.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Breezy

@ Breezy

Breezy Rule #312: Try and use an accurate comment to make a puerile point.

*Slow hand clap* SfT has proved himself with his religious bigotry, with comments over several forums. Because it coincides with your preferences you defend it, John....well done. Your mask, like his, is perforating and the true ignorance of zealotry and intolerance is shining throughqw222222.2
3 ( Cat typing sorry)

arakish's picture
Actually that is worded (and

Actually that is worded (and you got the rule number wrong):

Atheist Rule #42: Use the word bigot when you are dealing with Absolutists.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish

@ Arakish

Damn, you are right...forgot that one...there are so many rules for atheists...lucky we have absolutists around to thunk fir wus, or we wuld be tutally funken, man.,Hey, Arak...whateva, Fiuncy a bit of gay bashing tonit? My imam/preist/pstor sure dont lik thum bistrurds so i fuggur we shuld jist writ nusty cimmments on ther dibut piges. Thit riles em fearse.

Ramo Mpq's picture


That rule applies to liberals and SJW, too. Although, i would argue probably closer to a top 3 rule.

Sheldon's picture
Now Breezy, please not that

Now Breezy, please note that his post, and yours of course are the ones devoid of argument and supporting evidence, that have resorted to puerile name calling. Whereas old man shouts post was not an empty accusation of bigotry that had run out of arguments, and actually contained several arguments in the post you responded to, but of course ignored. Your and (avoids) seeking the truth's speciality of ignoring all posts and content you have no answers for.

Best of all is that you are he have completely conflicting world views and religions, but are united only in your bigoted prejudice against people your facile religions demonise in their archaic texts. Bigotry makes strange bed fellows, but then when people's beliefs subjugate their morals and ethics in favour of blind adherence to dogma and doctrine this is to be expected.

Same question to you, WHY DO YOU CARE HOW OTHERS LIVE THEIR LIVES IF THEY ARE NOT HARMING OTHERS? You both care enough to come to an atheist forum and voice your religious bigotry, one assumes there is some underlying motive to such behaviour?


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