Truth vs Well Being

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Dino Boshnjak's picture
Truth vs Well Being

Recently I was intercepted by two Mormon missionaries in Slovenia and had this 20 minute fruitful conversation that ended converging on an interesting point where I admitted that although I care about the truth I care more about the well being of people. Even if that means for some people believing in far-fetched stories, as long as they are not imposed on other people or lead to bad things I have no problem with that.
Thinking about it, these two lovely young ladies had came all the way from the US convinced that it is a worthy goal in life to spread the teachings of the Mormon church said a lot about them. Being a missionary by definition your goal is to encourage more people to join your faith, although when I asked them why do you think being a missionary is a good thing they've answered that they are only trying to make people happy. But the ultimate question is does it really make people happy if they are comforted by false beliefs? Or knowing the truth is more relevant? After all such a false comfort may not last in the long run.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Any kind of theistic god is
goodspear's picture
Do you believe in atoms? Have
ImFree's picture
Do you believe in Noah's Ark?
goodspear's picture
I believe in what God says
ImFree's picture
What about Egypt? They have a
Dino Boshnjak's picture
Hey Ronda,
Andrew McArthur's picture
Thank you Tuvok, I was going
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ronda - "Do you believe in
Travis Hedglin's picture
Ronda - "Do you believe in
Mitch's picture
Isn't 'evil' a concept born
Dino Boshnjak's picture
I often avoid arguing
Pitar's picture
Missionaries are cultural
goodspear's picture
The mormons believe you have
Mitch's picture
I think, Tuvok, that the
Dino Boshnjak's picture
Actually the Borg is a very
Mitch's picture
It's a tough call. I think
hermitdoc's picture
I think that missionary work
Dino Boshnjak's picture
It's very good analogy.
hermitdoc's picture
I completely agree with
Dino Boshnjak's picture
Yeah, I agree with your point
Andrew McArthur's picture
Some years ago I married into

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