Unanswerable questions for theists.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you are transliterating:
beneames's picture
Completely disagree. You are
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
no my source is the original
beneames's picture
The word translated "hell" in
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You again did not answer my
beneames's picture
The New Testament doesn't say
Lmale's picture
None of that matters even if
beneames's picture
Yes I'm very frustrated by
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You can repeat it, how many
beneames's picture
Alright let's look again at
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I guess when one is desperate
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Also in the Matt. 18:9; Jesus
beneames's picture
Hey mate, sorry I was on
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I just replied to those
beneames's picture
We're running out of room
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I agree, I will post a reply
Chuck Rogers's picture
First and foremost you don't
beneames's picture
I'm not familiar with the
Chuck Rogers's picture
I believe there is a lot of
beneames's picture
Hey Chuck, I'm a theist
Lmale's picture
Dumb chuck again hey ive read
Chuck Rogers's picture
I believe that most of you
Clockwork's picture
That's a fairly common and
Chuck Rogers's picture
I'm going to try to put this
Lmale's picture
I know im ignoring you but
Clockwork's picture
That doesn't agree with what
Lmale's picture
Odd thing about chimpanzees
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
After a deep study on
Mardze's picture
I don't think that the
Lmale's picture
How about the stars, the ones


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