I myself was raised catholic, but throughout junior high, as well as high school, I rode the fence between religion and science. I wanted to believe in evolution but I had this deep underlining feeling that God was real and I needed to defend and honor him. When topics of God and religion came up in GT classes, I was always on the defensive, tirelessly fighting against rational arguments. Then came college.
Freedom yet still some anxiety, went on a couple years until I found myself taking these "trips" once a month. But instantly after that first try, all those deep emotional feelings and obligations of god just melted away. I even tripped at a catholic mass once, a last ditch effort to become Christian again, thought I might see god and angels... Instead, an extremely scary and insufferable place, full of chants and rituals that made me think I was taking part in a cult. (Which I was... Lol)
I have read about such recreational activities relieving people of brain washings and certain psychological conditions. I'm just curious if anyone else has had similar experiences, and thoughts about if this is a possible cure for theists?
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Catholic you say. I thing there there are to few atheist books for Catholics and to many for protestants.
Hi, Closet Atheist. When you say "trip", I suppose you mean a medicated trip with a psychoactive agent like pot or lsd or mda. Is that right?
If so, I agree. Based on my layman's understanding of neurology, our brain's synapses become almost calcified to the point that we instinctively reason and think in very repeatable ways, blind to the fact that our thoughts and logic are following invisible channels that are immune to disagreeable evidence. The use of psychoactive drugs can essentially break these unseen canals of thought and allow a person to consider evidence and logic that we would've otherwise been immune to.
It is an evolutionary advantage to have these locked-in type thought processes. We can respond to threats and opportunities with almost instant speed. The problem is that we are blinded to new evidence and conditions. We kind of want both; a balance, as it were. Perhaps a bit of mental exploration allowed by psychoactive agents is just what the doctor ordered.
I've wondered about your question many times before. I realize that I'm looking for golden bullets to use against humanity's obsession with the supernatural, but there are likely some high-probability means of breaking through to the deluded among us.
FYI: I meant it when I said "layman's". I could be completely incorrect about this. Someone like the neuroscientist Sam Harris is better qualified to make that call.
I should answer your question about personal experience. I had a similar event. Early in the Summer of 2015 I had a bit of marijuana for the first time in many years. Sometime shortly thereafter I had a bit before watching a program on the late Permian geologic period, and the effect was seismic. I went into that Summer a fundamentalist christian. By the end of that Summer I was a positive atheist without any patience at all for religion. There were a number of factors, but seeing that program and considering evidence in a new way was the match that started the blaze. I think psychoactives can play an important role in breaking delusions.
So we should gather the leaders of the main religious denominations together in a joint session?
Perhaps a qualified physics instructor and a loaded bong would do the trick for our deluded, black-clad agents of god.
You can't just "understand" theists, they believe in bullshit that even common sense defies. To understand a theist is basically a shit job where you have to hear their trap stay open preaching about God, ask every Atheist and Agnostic, ask them how the whole fucking Dinner got cold 'cause it's always that guy who just doesn't shut up.
When you say "trip" are you talking about getting high?
I don't think you can come to a rational decision concerning belief if the only way you can come to that decision is through mind altering drugs. It reminds me of Timothy Leary justifying LSD.
First, thank you all for the responses, the support is appropriated and makes me feel not so alienated.
Yes by "trip" I meant psychoactive agents, particularly in the form of LSD. To clarify, prior to my first "trip" I did smoke marijuana regularly but it only depressed my fears and anxieties.
After just a few occasions of using LSD, I noticed profound changes in my thought processes. It's as if I simply stepped back from my life and the world around me. I could see the angles of everybody's motives and obligations. I lost biases and became very objective.
Lastly, I consider myself having at least an above average mental capacity. In my younger years, I was extremely torn between evolution and religion. My logical brain was in constant war with my emotional brain. Whereas I believe a more simple minded person would just give in and embrace the brainwashing of religion.
Food for thought. I don't advocate drug use. I also think that a person cannot make a sound decision about anything while high.
Thank you for concerns of drug use, I'm pretty new to this site but I have already read numerous comments of yours, where I have mostly agreed upon them. I value your thoughts on this manner even though they're on the opposition. You will always have my respect for your military service.
I do have to ask if you've ever tried the drugs I have spoken about? You almost sound like a close minded theist, an unwavering view, only using information that you've been told from one type of source.
Any drug use is a slippery slope, I don't participate anymore but I have firsthand experience. Both good and bad.
The main point I want to make now is that the revelations made during the "trip" didn't stop when the drug effects wore off but made permanent changes to my perception.
Plus I don't really want to argue about whether or not I experienced what I experienced. This happened to me, I wish I could have came to atheism on my own but I needed help from a mind altering drug.
You're SO right. I am stubborn about drugs. No, I don't indulge in them which is remarkable since MY generation was the first one to really take recreational drug use to the ultimate extreme. I have seen first hand the destruction of drugs. I have lived in an age where the drug counter-culture was prevalent and destructive, non-productive, and wasteful. So yes, I have a bias.
Don't worry I won't disrespect you for your drug use even if you continue. Everyone makes choices both good and bad.
Closet Atheist, I agree with your point about wishing no chemical influence was needed in escaping my deluded past. I don't know what exactly lowered the drawbridge in my mind, but in retrospect I would've sampled strictnine to make my escape. I am generally against anything that dulls or stupefies the mind, so I'm no walking advertisment for drug use. I'm uncomfortable with their use, but I can't help but notice when something plays a contributing role in improving my wellbeing.