The universe is a place of infinite growth

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Travis6969's picture
The universe is a place of infinite growth

I view this universe as a place of infinite growth. We are eternal beings that just keep getting more inteligent. So eventually I will become a god. Whatever happens after death is up to the Gods.

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algebe's picture
@Travis6969: "The universe is
mykcob4's picture
Please provide credible
chimp3's picture
Travis6969: What is a god?
Endri Guri's picture
I believe this would clarify


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chimp3's picture
Gods! Which came first , the
Endri Guri's picture
I believe we both know the
Alembé's picture
"We are eternal beings that
Nyarlathotep's picture
Heh, maybe we get less
Beguile's picture
We are gods due to our
chimp3's picture
We are not gods. We are
bigbill's picture
travis 6969: you sound like a
MCDennis's picture
You wrote: "We are eternal
algebe's picture
That's the first drive-by

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