Uplifting news: humanism, tolerance, science, secularity, etc

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ThePragmatic's picture
"Educating women key to
ThePragmatic's picture
"Taiwan set to legalize same
Seenyab4's picture
Ha, that's amazing! Can't
algebe's picture
Japan is already moving
CyberLN's picture
A win.
ThePragmatic's picture
algebe's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
I hope this turns out to be
CyberLN's picture
Looks like banning just doesn
ThePragmatic's picture
I love the Internet. :-D
CyberLN's picture
Next best thing since the
Heartplace's picture
The one for Taiwan heading
ThePragmatic's picture
(I know it's hard to find
ThePragmatic's picture
Spain - "Church weddings hit
ThePragmatic's picture
Canada, Toronto - "You no
Alembé's picture
Zika zaps testosterone and
algebe's picture
@Alembe "Zika zaps
Alembé's picture
Hi Algebe,
ThePragmatic's picture
Taiwan - CEO of HSBC Bank in


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