Violence towards wives and children in Islam

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Al-Fatihah's picture
Al-Fatihah's picture
watchman's picture
Al-Fatihah ....
Al-Fatihah's picture
watchman's picture
Dear ,dear me......
Al-Fatihah's picture
watchman's picture
"In the 1970s, 14,000
Al-Fatihah's picture
@ Watchman
watchman's picture
# Al-Fat ......
xenoview's picture
Albert Pajarillo's picture
Come on muslims can t you
Albert Pajarillo's picture
this is what allah want total
Al-Fatihah's picture
Harry33Truman's picture
So let me get that s straight
xenoview's picture
Mohammed Haji Sadiq, a part
Albert Pajarillo's picture
this is what allah want total
xenoview's picture
islam is more dangerous than


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