Warning - Good News Clubs

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Warning - Good News Clubs

I just stumbled onto this in the Friendly Atheist blog - If true, this is terrifying.

This group deliberately holds their religious services in US schools = Nearly free infrastructure & the Tea party defunded schools get money.

They get the authority of the school - refuse free space offered in churches next door.

Deliberately target small children.

Offer 'free' after school care- Since they say they are 'Christian', the parents all assume they teach the Golden Rule and how to behave.

In fact, 90% of their message is - If you and your parents don't belong to this group, you are all going to rot in hell.

They promote religious bullying and intolerance.

They post photos of the non-believers on the walls.


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chimp3's picture
After School Satan to the
Fleeing in Terror's picture
The Better News Club run by
chimp3's picture
No! Satan makes them run away
arakish's picture
They know the only way they
Cognostic's picture
Yea, I saw that. Basically a
chimp3's picture
The Satanic Temple has been
The_Quieter's picture
Yeah I'm quite aware of the

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