Was religion vital for human survival

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rajasekhar's picture
Was religion vital for human survival

I hate religion for all the harm it has caused and all the delay it has caused in advancement of science. However, few questions always linger in my brain.
With all the communication barriers and civilizations separated by such huge distances , is religion the only way we could have survived?
Could it be that democracy would have evolved much faster if there was no religion?

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watchman's picture
Grathic Muse's picture
It's hard to say ...
Grathic Muse's picture
It's hard to say ...
Nyarlathotep's picture
I've said it before: I don't
rajasekhar's picture
True. Incidentally, the fear
chimp3's picture
Take into consideration the
Pitar's picture
algebe's picture
Monstrous belief systems like
chimp3's picture
So, the real question is
algebe's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
No, not at all necessary for
MCDennis's picture
I will be happy of religion

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