What are the 10 commandments really all about?

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Michael Wooldridge's picture
What are the 10 commandments really all about?

Let’s face it, it’s ALL self-aggrandising bullshit isn’t it?



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chimp3's picture
Self? No god, no self
Pitar's picture
A pantload. George Carlin's
algebe's picture
@Michael: "What are the 10
Burn Your Bible's picture
this is the biggest problem
jonthecatholic's picture
From this comment alone, I
Pitar's picture
The bible is a sham. The
safarriii13's picture
After thoroughly reviewing
Mohammad Ali's picture
Your god forgot to mention
Flamenca's picture
Right @Mohammad. And "You
algebe's picture
@safarriii13: "If God is the
mykcob4's picture
Ah, the ten demendments. Well
algebe's picture
Coveting is a very human
Sirkenstien's picture
I disagree. We can control
algebe's picture
@Sirk: "We can control our
Sirkenstien's picture
Haha! Ya I know. I see pretty
Sirkenstien's picture
In regards to controlling our
fjvose16's picture
Hebrews 1:2, The Lord Jesus
algebe's picture
@He Suffered: "Hebrews 1:2,
mykcob4's picture
@he suffered
Burn Your Bible's picture
“The best of the firstfruits
Sheldon's picture
It's about archaic
bigbill's picture
The ten commandments as
Sheldon's picture
"The ten commandments as
Sheldon's picture
"The ten commandments as
bigbill's picture
A person cannot go wrong
Burn Your Bible's picture
Yes he does enjoy when we
Sheldon's picture
"About rape why then do we
Chica__2009's picture
Hi. So, I assume you're an
Sirkenstien's picture
The ten commandments are a
adamusa's picture
Everyone has what's right for


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