What Cardinal Pell's Lawyer said

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algebe's picture
What Cardinal Pell's Lawyer said

Cardinal George Pell has been convicted of sexually abusing two choirboys and is now sitting in a remand prison awaiting sentencing. His defense lawyer, a Jewish atheist, caused outrage at the sentencing hearing by describing the crimes as
a “plain vanilla sexual penetration case where the child is not actively participating”.

I'm not even sure what that means, but Pell has been protesting his innocence all along and intends to appeal the conviction. So why is his lawyer now trying to downplay the seriousness of a crime that supposedly never happened?

Someone is lying here.

Meanwhile, a petition has been launched to have Pell expelled from the Order of Australia, which is a system of honors for the brightest and best. In just a few days it's reached nearly 100,000 signatures. If you live in Australia, you can sign it here.


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Cognostic's picture
Thanks for the article.
Grinseed's picture
Whatever the sentence he won
Sapporo's picture
Evidently he has no need of a
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Do you have a second link for
algebe's picture
Mrs. Paul Owczarek:
Grinseed's picture
This is the dirt on Pell for
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
So why is his lawyer now
algebe's picture
@Old Man Shouts...Because he
dogalmighty's picture
"The Pope will turn on him
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Algebe
algebe's picture
@Old man shouts: Sent shivers
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Algebe
dogalmighty's picture
Surprise...the third highest
Cognostic's picture
SORRY GUYS: I don't see the
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: I think Pell will
Cognostic's picture
Algebe: "Whatever the outcome
Johann Triebe's picture
Regardless of the outcome of
Sheldon's picture
With any luck he'll end his
Sheldon's picture
Find the interview with the
dogalmighty's picture
"We've seen it all before. I
arakish's picture
Sheldon: "We've seen it all
Vantenich's picture
I think he should go to jail
Kreston's picture
The topic of protection of
demik's picture
Based on personal experience,
Haments1's picture
Just because of a good lawyer
AndreBoarskij's picture
No matter what happens in
kerisatsameu's picture
I am looking for qualified
williamthompsonwt12's picture
If you are looking for

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