What is God?

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dtommy79's picture
What is God?

If you think there is a God, but you don't accept the traditional view, how do you view it?

I believe that there is a God or Higher being that created this whole "thing" we are in, but I don't think it's the same as you read about in the Bible.

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Serjaydee's picture
I've started an almost
mattyn's picture
That's an interesting way to
catandmouse's picture
God is not exactly the one
paw42uk's picture
I believe God is an ideal
mysticrose's picture
Hi everyone. I'm new here. I
samking009's picture
Personal opinion is that
SammyShazaam's picture
I suppose that I don't really
mysticrose's picture
I think this question will
Schibaka's picture
I think god is a potato
Schibaka's picture
In all seriousness, yes i
SammyShazaam's picture
I'd find it easier to simply
firebolt's picture
We could have gods for
SammyShazaam's picture
Have you read Neil Gaiman's
Zaphod's picture
Loved that book, I like the
Karoline235's picture
(Atheist here)
SammyShazaam's picture
Interestingly, your view is
Pathway Machine's picture
To some people this may sound
sarahevanston's picture
I don't understand the
Neverendingpastabowl's picture
Then why is there hunger? Why
Boogie13's picture
As far the hole concept of a
PsychoSarah's picture
I think god is an idea. No
SammyShazaam's picture
I'll play that game :) If God
Shock of God's picture
As an agnostic Christian
Spewer's picture
"He can do no evil (though
Shock of God's picture
Every act that God lets
Spewer's picture
Let's say there are two
Shock of God's picture
If god allows suffering to
Zaphod's picture
Why did you change your
Zaphod's picture
Elsewhere, you recently said
Shock of God's picture
Oh, I do enjoy the nicknames.


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