What is God?

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Shock of God's picture
I changed my name to match
Zaphod's picture
Xylene of God cool, I was
Spewer's picture
"If god allows suffering to
Shock of God's picture
Free will, my friend. Free
Spewer's picture
Well there's all sorts of
Shock of God's picture
The child still possesses
Spewer's picture
So clearly the rapist's free
Shock of God's picture
They both have free will, and
Spewer's picture
"I don't know where you
Quest O'Tom Ray Limit's picture
According to wikipedia, God
Zaphod's picture
I myself would define God as,
SammyShazaam's picture
Ok, I'll bite.
Zaphod's picture
Yeah exactly, I could swallow
SammyShazaam's picture
I figure it's pretty much the
Zaphod's picture
It just seemed from what you
SammyShazaam's picture
Probably, though I imagine it


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