What is God??

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Instead of seeing videos that
Nyarlathotep's picture
That video is full of such
watchman's picture
@ Jamal .....
jamalt's picture
watchman's picture
Pomterez13's picture
So are you saying we live
jamalt's picture
I say all statements are true
ThePragmatic's picture
You issue challenges to
jamalt's picture
I replied there. Thanks for
watchman's picture
@ Jamal....
jamalt's picture
Like you said in your point
watchman's picture
@Jamal ....
jamalt's picture
You said yourself don't quote
ThePragmatic's picture
"The Prophet Muhammad Pbuh


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ThePragmatic's picture
The Buraq:


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watchman's picture
The Pragmatic....
ThePragmatic's picture
Hmm, I thought it seemed
ThePragmatic's picture
The Buraq with Muhammed:


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watchman's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
But you have to give Jamal a
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
........ time travel maybe?
watchman's picture
jamalt's picture
jamalt's picture
Prophet Muhammad Pbuh
watchman's picture
jamalt's picture
When the Quran refers to Al
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Jamal, I think phd's can be
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jamal - "here's what a Phd in
sai..'s picture
ok brothers friends ... kash
watchman's picture


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