What (if anything) would make you believe?

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FievelJ's picture
Everyone else gave a long
Q-ism's picture
Lot of my atheist friends
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: How do we know things
Q-ism's picture
The scientific method is
FievelJ's picture
Q-ism's picture
sorry, will be sure to use
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: Oh for fuck sake ---
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: "How do you know they
Sheldon's picture
Ajay "Lot of my atheist
Whitefire13's picture
Or someone
algebe's picture
Ajay: Is there anything that
Q-ism's picture
"Another thing that might
HumeMystic's picture
I would start with space-time
Q-ism's picture
I think spacetime is a
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: RE: "We don't know
Q-ism's picture
what exactly is a four
Cognostic's picture
Ajay: "four-dimensional
HumeMystic's picture
And that’s where this
Cognostic's picture
@HumeMystic: RE: "And
Q-ism's picture
can you call yourself a
HumeMystic's picture
@Ajay, so when you got
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: EVERYONE - Go watch
Q-ism's picture
I would say allow people to
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: TROLL!
Grinseed's picture
What would make me believe?..
Q-ism's picture
Interesting. For me, even if
Grinseed's picture
You may have noted I answered
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ajay - What (if anything)
Q-ism's picture
@Nyarlathotep, couldn't you
Sheldon's picture
Ajay - What (if anything)


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