Christianity spread far and wide when it was first introduced to an unsuspecting world, but what if it wasn't introduced until today in this world of internet and information on demand?
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I think if Christianity wasn't formed until today's modern world was in place, it would get pushed aside just like all of the other cults that we have. You would see random stories about it on the covers of those trash magazines at the grocery store checkouts and "religions" such as scientology would be taken more seriously because it would be older. I think that's one of the reasons that Christianity is still going strong, it's one of the oldest religions around and therefor is must be right.
Now when you say Christiantiy are you including all Judea based religions like fore example Islamic and Muslim belief or just Christianity alone. If you are saying Christianity alone I would wager the world would be in the middle of a huge holy war about now if not ended. No matter what the world would definitely be a different place. It would in many areas be under different rule.
Good point.
However, it was Charlemagne who brought *Christianity* to Europe and latched it on to their imperialism. That might not have happened so much with Judaism, who historically consider themselves a race just as much as a religion. No doubt there'd be war in the Holy Land, it would just be a question of who was fighting and how much of the rest of the world they could drag into it and with what justification.
Interesting, though.
That's a good point as well, I guess without the actions of Charlamagne Judaism would not have as much support form Chirstian nations and there would likely be different people fighting and supporting the war to varying degree. Still with the potential profit war can bring though, the war would be continued with as much if not more vigor without Christianity.
If Christianity wasn't formed, most probably, Islam is the ruler religion of the planet. I would not want it? Who does? Imagine, a world were suicide bombers are respected everywhere. The world will sure to be no less than hell itself.
... how would Islam have come to pass without first being precedented by Christianity?
Though the profit Muhammad came 6 centuries after Jesus and Islam considered Jesus to be a profit of God, by definition Islam came into being at the beginning of the universe and was descended form Abraham much like Judaism which still came later than Abraham but also descended like Islam in the same fashion. This implies that Islam would have existed whether Jesus existed or not and began long before Jesus came into being. Without Jesus Islam would be essentially the same with out Jesus as a profit. Christianity however by definition only began after the existence of Jesus as Jesus had to exist before anyone could believe he was the messiah.
Hmm, I had always thought of them as a continuum. I stand corrected.
Touche' Sammy! Touche!
Well if someone went around saying he was born of a virgin, we'd try to find him a nice padded room. If there were accompanying miracles that would pass today's scientific scrutiny, then maybe it might get somewhere, but absent that, it's just another nut claiming to speak for god because god is too something or other to speak directly. Plus people today would be a lot more willing to press the Problem of Evil question instead of just giving a pass like they did with Big J.
That's the answer I was getting at when I started this post. How was it believable back then with a lack of worldly communication, yet, in today's world with all of our social networks and information traveling across the planet in seconds, he would be locked away or considered insane and probably end up homeless and begging.
It is a mind flip really, yes today he would have been locked away, but not if he or others had not had as much influence, it would have been irrelevant, we would not care today if an individual had not made such a mental flash or ripple if you will. I don't think he was anything special like the son of god, but he was influential enough in his time to guide many now present day believers to to the point of faith of a now dead a about 2000 year dude. I think today the equivalent would be someone who could have done enough good to have at least enough people believe he or she was a good enough on to make them great enough to be supported by others like for example mother Teresa without the church. Make no doubt about it he was the right guy at the right time and had an incredible mind. I just don't think he would end up begging but rather having others beg for him.
Depends on who he ran into first... he might end up with an "It Happened to Me" episode on MTV, or even an entire series if he could find some disciples to fill out his reality TV cast. I think I might actually watch that show, especially the episodes where he tried to turn water into wine...
The big question is: Would he submit to a DNA test to determine who The Father is? ;)
Lmao, we could finally prove not only that God exists, but who he is.
My bet is that God would then be that attractive young merchant Mary met at the market while buying Joseph's groceries.
If Christianity was not introduced until today, I think there are still other form of religions. If religions were not introduced until today, I think there will still groups in which there will be a leader and they they have same beliefs or common goal.
Agreed there would still be fraternities organizations gangs governments political parties ect ect... that would be used by the same types of people who use religion today.
You're right, as long as the human greed exist there will be group of people who will make ways in order to control the humanity for their own benefits. Maybe if the term god wasn't invented their will be other term that will serve as supreme character for ignorant people.
I can always count on you mysticrose to say it like you mean it! It's very true though, religion does seem to stem from greed.
It was really a sad thing because people don't realized how numbered their lives are to spend for greediness. Resources are overflowing in this world that even there are billions of population, all can live peacefully if there are no corrupt, greedy and selfish groups and individuals.
Yeah mystic there are people who live with what they call zero spending! I really is amazing what i available in some place to be had for free if you look for it and know how and where to look the only cost is time. Unfortunately there is this guy who owns a pawn shop out here and can't put any more TVs in his shop so literally he drives around on weekends and cuts the cords on appliances people put out after tag sales or just by the curb so people don't get free tvs. What a jerk!