What would it take for you become an atheist?

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Benjboi's picture
OP, love the question. 'What
mykcob4's picture
Benjboi's picture
Mykcob4 - sorry could you
mykcob4's picture
You stated that atheists need
Benjboi's picture
Again you're
mykcob4's picture
No Benjboi it isn't that
Benjboi's picture
Yes you do a debate is
RedleT's picture
If you can logically prove
mykcob4's picture
@ Dumb Ox
Darren Koch's picture
Mykcob4- I think science and
CyberLN's picture
Sinner, you wrote, " Show me
mykcob4's picture
Quit lying Sinner. You don't
Darren Koch's picture
Cyber- true, and it is very
mykcob4's picture
Bullshit Sinner!
CyberLN's picture
algebe's picture
@Sinner: "Identifying
Darren Koch's picture
Mykcob4- you're posting on
mykcob4's picture
I am not in the business of
AJ777's picture
Then why did you ask what it
Flamenca's picture
Someone, please, explain this
AJ777's picture
But you can hold beliefs so
Flamenca's picture
I can hold SOME beliefs and
AJ777's picture
To deny a claim is to affirm
CyberLN's picture
Are you get mixed up here,
AJ777's picture
Maybe you are agnostic and
CyberLN's picture
AJ777, for your edification I
mykcob4's picture
I swear AJ777 you are batshit
AJ777's picture
So you are ignorant on the
CyberLN's picture
Stubborn as...


Attach Image/Video?: 

mykcob4's picture
You fucking moron AJ777


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