What year do you think atheism will become the majority on the global?

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Coveny's picture
What year do you think atheism will become the majority on the global?

For many years now I've felt like the world is losing its religion quite literally. Polls around the world show a trend of fewer and fewer theists. So much so that in some countries atheism is the majority. However on the global scale theism still dominates atheism. We do see the young are far less likely to be theists, and the numbers of atheists there lend support to my idea that theism is dying. So the question is this at what year do you think atheism will become the majority on the global stage?

I think around the year 2050.

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algebe's picture
If you include all the closet
mykcob4's picture
I think the world will end
LogicFTW's picture
I am not sure we will ever
Randomhero1982's picture
Whilst non belief is
Coveny's picture
In the course of 7 years
Flamenca's picture
Hi, Mark, and welcome.
xenoview's picture
I doubt Atheism will be a
mykcob4's picture
Religions decline in America.
xenoview's picture
I think that some of the lose
algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "A lot of older
xenoview's picture
Coveny's picture
Oh I tend to agree that the
Pitar's picture
Outwardly, who knows? But,
chimp3's picture
What year? The way things are
mbrownec's picture
Never. Humanity, as a whole,
algebe's picture
I think the estimates given
chimp3's picture
Sorry Algebe , Millions won't
algebe's picture
It's not an election. All
chimp3's picture
Wiki lists atheist population
Coveny's picture
Algebe - Exactly my thinking.
algebe's picture
teppeki's picture
Seems impossible. Even if all
Coveny's picture
Coveny's picture
I believe it will happen, as
MCDennis's picture
next year
Closet_atheist's picture
Almost never...
Whocares386's picture
I think it may take a few


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Cognostic's picture
Atheism is growing at the
Grinseed's picture
Never. We'd need a global
SeniorCitizen007's picture
There was probably a higher


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