Where do morals come from?

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Question_everything's picture
Where do morals come from?

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Kostas Louritis's picture
Well as far as i know
Zaya Zahin's picture
read it http://joygts
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Some paragraphs, punctuation
mykcob4's picture
Morals come from society.
Kostas Louritis's picture
Society didn't create
algebe's picture
Morals are the products of
chimp3's picture
Morality comes from brains
Dave Matson's picture
I have made two rather
biggus dickus's picture
Why dog of course.
xenoview's picture
Morales come from you
MCDennis's picture
They come from us. And that
Truett's picture
Experts like Harvard's Steven
mykcob4's picture
@ Truett
ImFree's picture
Morals come from an innate
Truett's picture
I agree that religion in
ImFree's picture
Truett you might get a
Truett's picture
Thanks, ImFree! I enjoy
CyberLN's picture
What I have never quite
algebe's picture
@CyberLN: "What I have never
Truett's picture
Hey CyberLN, my own anecdotal
charvakheresy's picture
I guess moral stem from both
CyberLN's picture
So, does it matter?
MCDennis's picture
I agree it doesn't really
Lynpu Kh's picture
construction of human....
bigbill's picture
morals come from societys
Randy the Atheist's picture
Morals are arbitrary rules of
Flamenca's picture
We're also discussing morals
Matt Wilson's picture
mykcob4's picture
@ Matt-4
Matt Wilson's picture
You apparently like to work


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