Where do morals come from?

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mykcob4's picture
Harry33Truman's picture
I'd there rals which are
MCDennis's picture
They come from us. They come
Randomhero1982's picture
Human decency is not derived
jonthecatholic's picture
The problem with saying that
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jon the Catholic - The
Flamenca's picture
In other thread, I explained
Sheldon's picture
"The problem with saying that
Randy the Atheist's picture
So who determines who is
Sheldon's picture
I don't believe this is true.
MysticCrusader's picture
Might is right is malignant
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mystic Crusader
Occam's picture
I do believe that we are
jonthecatholic's picture
I’d like to ask the atheists
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ JoC
Sheldon's picture
Wht atheists? Arectheists
Occam's picture
I definitely agree. Evolution
Armando Perez's picture
Zaya Zahin's picture
read it http://joygts
Sheldon's picture
The evolved ability to choose
fishy1's picture
Super easy question, and the
MysticCrusader's picture
There is no evolution with
MysticCrusader's picture
Religion is nothing more than
Tin-Man's picture
@Mystic Re: "Religion is
MysticCrusader's picture
I made a little mistake
MysticCrusader's picture
I made it into a meme: https:
mickron88's picture
"one of the best principles


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