Who created the universe?

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Sky Pilot's picture
Searching for truth,
Sheldon's picture
Why do they assume the
Muashkis's picture
The assertion alone that
arakish's picture
Something From Nothing
Atheist Jogger's picture
@arakish Great point you've
Ramo Mpq's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Because the Islamic
Muashkis's picture
Well, defining Allah as a
Muashkis's picture
My take on this was that time
Grinseed's picture
Time for theists to join the
arakish's picture
arakish's picture
Just found it:
Bill Kilpatrick's picture
The universe evolved from
Sky Pilot's picture
It's estimated that there is
Cognostic's picture
Whenever you deal with a
The_Quieter's picture
Asking 'who' created the
chimp3's picture
I read Lawrence Krauss's book
Cognostic's picture
Finally someone with a brain,
arakish's picture
And don't forget the
Cognostic's picture
Bunnies actually exist -
algebe's picture
@Searching for Truth: the


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