Obviously I vote for Sheldon and Tin man and add Old Man Shouts to that list. They contribute nothing at all. And Algebe, don't forget Algebe.
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Hi everyone. My name is Mike Roch, I am new to the site and completely agree with Cog. I have never seen anything written worthwhile by Tin Man or Sheldon.
@ Hi everyone. My name is Mike Roch, I am new to the site and completely agree with Cog. I have never seen anything written worthwhile by Tin Man or Sheldon.
I;m Polly C. Holder and it's my first visit here too. I agree. Excellent post.
@ TM
TIN MAN get your clanking arse over here with your ever damned "vitamin" shot or whatever...Cogs having another "turn" ...you kids and your "experiments *grumble grumble* Give him a double dose...for both his identities...what have you two been playing at? Dont think you both wont be grounded and separated for this...wait 'til I tell your mechanic what you have been up to...* gets on tricycle and rides rapidly in the general direction of away*
Hi. I'm Joe King, and I just wanted to say I love the update on the OP. I have been waiting for someone to call out OMS on this forum. Finally someone with some balls. GO COG!!!
This is Al B. Back, and as a long time lurker, I concur. 100%
@Cognistic: Sheldon and Tin man and add Old Man Shouts to that list. They contribute nothing at all.
I disagree. They all bring a lot to the forums. And really it's not your call. The only person you can ban is yourself.
My name is Ben Lyon, and I gotta say Cog. has a point there.
*staring dumbly at syringe*.... Holy shit. What the hell kind of "vitamins" have I been giving Cog?...*injects self with the 'vitamins'*..... Whooooa...... *wiggling fingers in front of own face while staring at them glassy-eyed*..... Oh, wow.....Hey, Algebe! Hold on a sec. I think Cog may have a point, especially about that Tin-Man guy! I mean, sure, that Sheldon dude could probably afford to step up his game a bit, but at least he seems to have one or two brain cells to rub together....*swatting at imaginary butterflies in front of face*.... Who the hell let all these butterflies in here?.... *donning bee keeper hood*.... Ah, there. That's better. Anyway, like I was saying, that Cog guy is awesome! And I don't know who Al B. Back, Joe King, or Polly are, but any friend or Cog's is a friend of mine! And, let's be honest, what the hell does that Tin-Man bozo really DO around here anyway?.... *looks toward the direction of squeaky tricycle sounds*.... Oh! Hey, Old Man! Don't worry! I got this shit under control!...*starts running toward Cog with syringe*.... Hey, Cog! VITAMIN TIIIIIIIIIME!!!.....
Gotta break the fourth wall for a second and state for the record it is incredibly difficult to type with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Just sayin'......
Gabe Barr here - Long time lurker. Nice to see Tin Man has sipped the KoolAid. Perhaps we can scratch him off the OP now.
I can see Cog waiting in the corner, hugging his knees in a squat sitting position, rocking back and forth while gazing into the distance with unblinking darkened eyes awaiting his next shot.
@Gabe Barr
*coming to a skidding halt*.... Wait! If Cog is sitting in the corner, then who the hell am I chasing with this syringe???
Oh, hey! On a side note, I think I recognize Mike Roch now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Now I remember. I've known Mike Roch since I was a kid. Always seemed to have some sort of itchy rash problem. Kept having to go to the doctor for some sort of ointments and stuff. Because of that, Mike Roch was always really annoying, especially out in public.
I be Gerry Attrick - I is a bit slow today but seems to be catching on kwick. Them posters Cog. mantioned has gots to go. I is wift Cog. on dis one.
My vote. None of the above. Need the hilarity.
It depends on how much I’m offered for doing it...
can we vote out ms. Cyb?...just wondering...
what would you do if ms. cyb is out and the pesky spammers are attacking?..
Nah. Can't vote out Cyber. She is the only thing keeping this place from becoming a complete looney bin. Besides, would YOU want to take her place? I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to. *shudder*
"would YOU want to take her place?"
nope nope...thanks but no thanks...i'm ok larking around...you know me...hhhmmm...maybe you're the one who's interested in the position t-man??..huh??
you'd be a great admin for sure...this forum would be a comic relief if your in her place t-ma-man...IMO
Myk S. Cloan here. That fucking Tin-Man idiot couldn't find his own asshole with a map, a flashlight, and a mirror! I say we don't need that kind of ignorant steaming bullshit around here fogging up the fucking mirrors! Obviously HE thinks he is being fucking hilarious, but what the fuck does HE know about being funny? Hell, I KNOW I can be funny, but that stupid hunk of metal is just a wanna-be fucking PRETENDER! If he thinks that stupid bullshit he spews is so damn funny, then let him take it to a fucking stage in some seedy little smoke filled dive of a shit-hole comedy club where it belongs! We don't fucking need that kind of ignorant tripe bringing down the rest of us here! And if Tin-Man doesn't like what I say, then he can feel free to GET THE FUCK OUT! Go home and cry to your mommy about it! The door is that way, you pissy little loser! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
P.S. Go Team Cog!
@ Myk S. Cloan
Wow what a spot on post. My name is Oliver Clozov. I have been lurking for three years. This is the first time I have ever heard anything honest out of Tin Man's fingers. I have tears of joy in my eyes for the new level of honesty this forum has reached. I want to personally commend Tin Man for his insight and honesty. With this complete turn around in his personality I think Cog should remove him from the OP. I can die happy now. Cog, and Tin man challenging sanity one post at a time.
No! I can't remove Tin Man. That smug emotionless aluminum gaze, that heartless clunk emanating from his hallowed out being. WE HAVE HISTORY! If I had my way I would drag his aluminum frame to the wrecking yard and in lieu of his recent posts I would only toss his right leg into the crusher. THERE MUST BE SOME REVENGE! I forget why, ..... I think I need another shot...... were is the doctor..... What would happen if I drank this Draino?
Hey.. That's weird. I feel fuzzy all over and my belly button just popped out and landed in my bowl of corn flakes. Hey! I have a blow hole, just like Free Willy! Wow this is cool. I can put my finger in the hole, Guess what I had for dinner last night?
My vote goes to Mr. @Cognostic. More than 1000 posts and still... he hasn't been able to add a freaking picture to his profile. Ahem...
I think the forum knows who I would vote for.
@Breezy, sure we know hehehe your personal scourge.
@Cognostic Yay!
If you add a picture, I vote @Tin-Man... If he only had a heart...
No-no-no... You are not allowed to vote out Sheldon! Sorry. But arch enemies are not allowed to vote each other away. Wouldn't be proper. That would be like Superman voting away Lex Luthor. It would be like Batman voting away the Joker. The Nazis voting away Wonder Woman. The Road Runner voting to get rid of the Coyote. Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. King Author and The Dark Knight. Donnie voting away Marie. (Okay, that one is questionable.) Anyway, the point is, no voting allowed between rivals. It would totally upset the natural order of the universe. Unless somebody else votes Sheldon out, I'm afraid you two are stuck with each other. Ahhhh... A match made in hea-.... er-umm...- well, in somewhere, at least.
LOL. I will add it now.
Are you hiding from something, @Cog? Hehehe. I didn't know @Chimp3 and you were relatives.
Yep. Distant evolutionary cousins. Poo flinging, banana munching (Wait a minute, that does not sound right.) Straight banana munching (Oh my god!!! That's even worse.) Never mind the bananas. We eat carrots.
Re: Cog pic
*staring woozily trying to focus eyes*.....What the...? Hey! Who the hell are YOU? Is that Chimp? When the hell did Chimp learn how to type? Where is Cog?....*looking around*... I swear he was here just a minute ago....*rubbing eyes*.... Cog!... Cog!.... *spinning slowly around*... Come out, come out wherever you aaaaare! Olly-olly oxen free!.... *filling syringe*.... Time for another vitamin shot!....*sniff*....*wiping nose with back of hand*... Pssst... Hey, little monkey dude at the typewriter, if you see Cog, tell him I'm looking for him....*stumbles away*....