Wht hasn't Neil Tyson Degrass been fired yet? (potential new evidence)

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ateriotuis's picture
You know Feminism is
CyberLN's picture
ateriltius, like his alter
arakish's picture
@ CyberLN
Tin-Man's picture
What the hell??? Starting to
sirius558's picture
arakish you little fuckin ape
Tin-Man's picture
@sirius Re: "arakish you
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
Sky Pilot's picture
Neil's mug shot = https://www
thehighrollerm85's picture
I have consideres the issue
Tin-Man's picture
How the fuck did HighTroller
CyberLN's picture
The poster to whom you refer
Sheldon's picture
You don't understand the
algebe's picture
@thehighrollerm85: I have
NewSkeptic's picture
I don't know about anyone
Sheldon's picture
Amen to that, and thank fuck


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