Wht hasn't Neil Tyson Degrass been fired yet? (potential new evidence)
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You know Feminism is religious sect too. Brain damaged men hating sect who likes to spread lie against males
ateriltius, like his alter ego, SergiG, has been escorted from the building.
@ CyberLN
How many more socks is Sergi going to attempt before hesheitthey gets the picture?
What the hell??? Starting to look like a warped version of Lamb Chop's Play-Along in here!
Text removed by mod.
@sirius Re: "arakish you little fuckin ape. iq is -60?"
*clearing throat*... *tapping sirius on shoulder*... Ahem... Uh, Arakish is a TREE. Cog is the "ape". Yet you imply that Arakish is dumb.... Wow.... The irony of your statement is almost overwhelming... *chuckle*...
@ Tin-Man
And evidently sirius558 also clicked the Agree button themself, knowing no one was going to agree with it.
Neil's mug shot = https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/o7475/neil_degrasse_tysons_mug_sh...
I have consideres the issue further and concluded that he must get fired. He probably raped a woman in collegr, caused a colleague to quit and gropped a woman in his search for pluto. People get fired from jobs for less. NDT is not irreplacable.
While his comment was humor, it may have been meant to grose out than to enlighten. I predict he will lose all TB rolls.
How the fuck did HighTroller get back in here???
The poster to whom you refer was never blocked. You may be confusing him for someone else.
You don't understand the issue, so it's hard to see how you could have considered it at all, let alone considered it further. However the hilarity of your claiming to have arrived at precisely the conclusions you started with as if it took some soul searching, isn't lost on anyone I'd imagine.
I don''t know if he's guilty of anything yet, but then neither do you, despite the histrionics and lynch-mob mentality of your asinine posts.
@thehighrollerm85: I have consideres the issue further and concluded that he must get fired. He probably raped a woman in collegr,
Judge, jury, executioner.
Do you not believe in due process and innocence until proven guilty? Are you so convinced of your own infallibility?
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm giving you major props for changing "NTG" to "NDG". Just when everyone else is losing faith in their fellow man, you step it up and after only 20 or so posts correcting and mocking you, you learned something.
hallefuckinglujah and congratulations, well done.
Amen to that, and thank fuck for small mercies is all I can say. I swear if he'd posted NTG one more time I was going to start self harming.