Why are the elite trying to deceive us: Islam

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Lisa Williams's picture
Why are the elite trying to deceive us: Islam

It's no surprise to hear the common phrase: "Islam is a religion of peace" yet, it really isn't difficult to see that this is blatantly false. But why are we being lied to?

Another popular phrase used by many is "so-called Islamic state". These phrases are completely misleading and anybody who tries to point out the reasons the countries being mentioned are Islamic, you are threatened with being warned about 'hate crime'.

Even in class, I tried to inform the other students that Islam isn't compatible with our culture and the teacher just silenced me!

There must be some other reason why the elite is trying to deceive us other than they are mere cowards. Before 9/11, Islam was seen for what it really is: evil and intolerant.

Why do you think we are being lied to? Do you believe we are being lied to?

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watchman's picture
Lisa Williams .....
Lisa Williams's picture
Hello watchman,
watchman's picture
Lisa Williams ....
Lisa Williams's picture
watchman's picture
Lisa Williams....
Sheldon's picture
" Even attempting to speak
Sheldon's picture
You are conflating terror
Pitar's picture
Not sure I understand your
HungryPred's picture
"So called" is used because
Sheldon's picture
"It's fair to say that in the
Nyarlathotep's picture
It's no surprise to hear the
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This clip is apropos from the
Anwe Bacaudae's picture
this is GLOBALISM. and islam
chimp3's picture
The only true religion of
Burn Your Bible's picture
Hey chimp3 what happened to
Nyarlathotep's picture
He evolved.
Chica__2009's picture
I think Islam believes what
Cognostic's picture
1. Elite is not the media.
Chairwithtowel's picture
Hey Lisa. We were friends

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