Why atheists seem to win the argument with theists.

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Delaware's picture
Captain crunch, thanks for
CyberLN's picture
The winner of a debate is not
arakish's picture
@ CyberLN
Cognostic's picture
@CyberLN: Unless you are
David Killens's picture
In Spirit, if anyone could
In Spirit's picture
David Kilens
Calilasseia's picture
Quick question ... are we
dogalmighty's picture
Good find Cal...looks like
Tin-Man's picture
Cali nailed it! Awesome!...
Sapporo's picture
Other than the burden of
Sheldon's picture
"if the theist let the
dogalmighty's picture
I feel sorry for you son. You
Delaware's picture
Sheldon, thanks, I'll give it
dogalmighty's picture
Jo, he needs no evidence for
David Killens's picture
Gets out the popcorn.
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon, thanks, I'll give
Sheldon's picture
@ Jo
dogalmighty's picture
God is strong, God is just,
Up To My Neck's picture
The atheist argument wins
Delaware's picture
Pirate, thanks for your
dogalmighty's picture
No...if you think critically,
Delaware's picture
Up To My Neck's picture
Have you ever seen proof that
Delaware's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Jo: You are speaking of
Sheldon's picture
It's a lot simpler than that,
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Jo "Just as no one has proof
Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic
Cognostic's picture
@JO: RE: "Just as no one


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