Why atheists seem to win the argument with theists.

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Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic
Cognostic's picture
Yes. Absence of evidence is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon's picture
"I don't recall making a
dogalmighty's picture
No - Supernatural things are
Delaware's picture
Delaware's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Thank you for finally
Delaware's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Sorry, got very busy...see
dogalmighty's picture
What is the one subjective
Delaware's picture
@ doG
dogalmighty's picture
I want to know as best I can
Delaware's picture
dogalmighty's picture
doG, what is "valid" evidence
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ DoG
Delaware's picture
@ doG
dogalmighty's picture
Thank you for the recourse...
dogalmighty's picture
Thank you for the recourse...
Delaware's picture
dogalmighty's picture
doG, that sounds like a
Delaware's picture
dogalmighty's picture
I am not conveniently missing
Sheldon's picture
What is the probability of a
Sheldon's picture
"If neither position can be
David Killens's picture
Delaware's picture


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