Why Do Atheists Lack Belief in God? When There is Evidence for God

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Lmale's picture
You wanna know something
Lmale's picture
Im sure he thinks its fine to
Lmale's picture
Christians believe all
Anonymous's picture
The Bible is very clear a
Lmale's picture
Too much stupid dont know
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Revivin, if hell even exists,
CyberLN's picture
"You're a bad guy." Oh
Zaphod's picture
I strongly feel they are back
CyberLN's picture
I'm with you 100% on that, Z.
Anonymous's picture
There are no denominations in
Ellie Harris's picture
"You're a bad guy." Oh
CyberLN's picture
We had someone on the board 4
Ellie Harris's picture
I remember jameswatts. Noted.
Anonymous's picture
The reason I believe atheists
Anonymous's picture
Not much activity here. Slow
CyberLN's picture
Maybe you're just boring us
beneames's picture
I'm surprised they answer you
Anonymous's picture
Spiritual life can be
beneames's picture
Revivin I believe like you
Lmale's picture
Right i sincerely believe
beneames's picture
Fair point. This is actually
Anonymous's picture
Whether there is just this
CyberLN's picture
How do you know that?
Zaphod's picture
How do you know for sure we
Lmale's picture
I wondered that myself. Its
Zaphod's picture
I have long thought that
Lmale's picture
Yup and its not a theory its
Zaphod's picture
Good point, I have to be more
Lmale's picture
Does not science claim cosmic
Zaphod's picture
Science makes no claims. Some


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