Why Do Atheists Lack Belief in God? When There is Evidence for God

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
How does he know that his god
Anonymous's picture
Remember people like you
CyberLN's picture
WTF? Do what on their own?
Lmale's picture
Erm i read the bible and i
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
According to your book, JESUS
Ellie Harris's picture
"Remember people like you
Anonymous's picture
Killing Jesus was very
CyberLN's picture
I'll pull an old one out here
Lmale's picture
O.O i never considered that
Lmale's picture
I find it totally confounding
Ellie Harris's picture
revivin has been removed for
beneames's picture
Good move Ellie. He was
Zyklus's picture
Well, maybe that's a good


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