Why do intelligent people believe in crap?
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Well, you should try and understand.
Some people are capable of escaping the chains that were imposed on them, some had a milder strain of the virus and found it easier, and some never escaped.
I think that few people who were brought up in a largely non-religious environment ever take up religion. I'm open to discussion here, but not in individual cases, of which there will be some. If you or anyone has any evidence at all that large numbers of atheists have ever taken up a religion seriously, then please share the data with us. I've looked for this information but never found any.
Some people prefer the chains.
Large numbers are relative. Maybe well known individuals who have the ability to influence others can apply.
Though I know more than a few I have no data on large numbers of religious people abandoning their faith.
I also know more than a few who still consider themselves "religious" but question the tenets of their religion. They still chose to believe there is a god.
That's true, which is why some intelligent people spout crap. They prefer the chains because it's comfortable; their family and friends espouse the same beliefs and go to the same church, so it's nice.
I said to disregard individuals and provide large scale data, so you give me some individuals.....
All of Europe was religious at one time, but the chains have weakened and many are either secular or weakly religious; faith will die out entirely soon. Atheism is spreading in the US too. Reason is taking over.
"I said to disregard individuals and provide large scale data, so you give me some individuals......"
"Demographic Study
April 2, 2015
The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050
Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population"
"All of Europe was religious at one time, but the chains have weakened and many are either secular or weakly religious; faith will die out entirely soon. Atheism is spreading in the US too. Reason is taking over."
I see no evidence of that in fact, I see very little "reason" in the United States.
From what I'm seeing it looks more like Islam is taking over Europe just as Christianity did at one time.