why do you not believe in God?

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Sheldon's picture
"RE-INCARNATION. this topic
corsair leader's picture
it is amazing to me how
arakish's picture
I already have.
Sheldon's picture
It's amazing how low some
corsair leader's picture
no no my friend. chatrooms do
Nyarlathotep's picture
corsair leader - is it too
arakish's picture
corsair leader: "why do you
Sheldon's picture
I never claimed chatroom
Sky Pilot's picture
corsair leader,
algebe's picture
@corsair leader: it reminds
arakish's picture
And John Snow's study about
David Killens's picture
Nice try at misdirection, but
Randomhero1982's picture
a subject i'm sure most
JazzTheist's picture
''Well, why don't you believe
Tin-Man's picture
Awwww, maaaaaannnn.... Get
JazzTheist's picture
Please act civilized. This is
arakish's picture
We do act civilized. Theists
JazzTheist's picture
''We do act civilized.''
LogicFTW's picture
JazzTheist's picture
So you're against using
LogicFTW's picture
Using thought experiments as
JazzTheist's picture
I am NOT talking about the
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Oh honey, you are never wrong
Tin-Man's picture
@Jazz (aka: Squidward) Re:
JazzTheist's picture
You accused me of being a '
Tin-Man's picture
@Squid-Jazz Re: "I thought
JazzTheist's picture
Made me laugh. Ha ha ha.
Cognostic's picture
That's it sweetie, you stand
Tin-Man's picture
@Squid-Jazz Re: "You accused


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