why do you not believe in God?

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arakish's picture
And if it is not dependent
algebe's picture
@servantofAllah: Now for me
Bad Santa's picture
JazzTheist's picture
I have never seen a better
algebe's picture
@JazzTheist: I have never
arakish's picture
Well, here is another one for
JazzTheist's picture
Yes I have; and it requires
arakish's picture
@ Breezy (posing as
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "Yes I have; and
David Killens's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
servantofAllah - Now,
Sapporo's picture
I "only" believe in things
JazzTheist's picture
So do I. But what if I say
algebe's picture
@JazzTheist: counted as an
JazzTheist's picture
''Where's the prime mover for
LogicFTW's picture
JazzTheist's picture
You are being deliberately
LogicFTW's picture
JazzTheist's picture
YOU are getting upset. All I
David Killens's picture
JazzTheist's picture
He called me a 12-year-old
Tin-Man's picture
@JazzSquid Re: "...after
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "He called me a
JazzTheist's picture
He edited his comment and
arakish's picture
David Killens's picture
algebe's picture
@JazzTheist: A ''prime mover'
Sheldon's picture
''Where's the prime mover for
JazzTheist's picture
'''If you claim everything
CyberLN's picture
Jazz, you wrote, “


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