Why does god allow suffering?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you seem to fail to
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
[Jeff] "An omnipotent being
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I think you are putting
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
[Jeff]"A theistic god is a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Please deliver a definition
GoldenLotus's picture
"Everything is for a reason.
Bernard's picture
Jamal knows his book in and
marz1969's picture
Seems like a pointless debate
ThePragmatic's picture
jamalt's picture
Do you believe in History? Do
Nyarlathotep's picture
Do you believe in Using
ThePragmatic's picture
jamalt's picture
In the name of Allah, the
ThePragmatic's picture
Ah, so you just believe
Nutmeg's picture
You should stop posting this
Conan's picture
Sounds like Allah is really
Bernard's picture
Please, can someone stop
Miguel763's picture
This is a lot of discussion
JuxtaposedLineage's picture
If refering to the judeo
Applegene's picture
Why does God allow suffering?
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
your reply makes no sens if
Applegene's picture
I understand you more than
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I understand you more than
Applegene's picture
I think we can agree that the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Science has the same problem
Applegene's picture
I'm sorry I cannot give you a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You ignored most if not all
Applegene's picture
Your Yes or No questions
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Just by claiming that i do
Applegene's picture
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