Why doesn't you believe in God? Give me good reasons

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PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Why doesn't you believe in God? Give me good reasons

Hello there! I would like to know why you atheist don't belive in God? I need one or many really good reasons. How do you think it works in the world and why do you think so? What makes you think that there is no God? Is there any hope that you could believe?

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Cole Green's picture
To answer your questions:
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
ok...you may not believe in
Cole Green's picture
Contrary to popular belief,
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Well... I believe in Allah
Cole Green's picture
We believe that it's going to
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Firstly, quran isn't written
Cole Green's picture
So basically your argument is
Cole Green's picture
Did you even read my comment
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I do believe in science but I
smug2bme's picture
"How do you think it works in
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Ok :) But how do you think
smug2bme's picture
Humans created science. It is
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I mean, there must be a
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Why couldn't that beginning
Mothflight's picture
I've seen far too many
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
First of all, we are still
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
So people today and people
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
No people today know how to
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I belive in God (Allah) and
Will R Fights Jr.'s picture
Mr. Speaker,
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Yes you are right mr Will.
CyberLN's picture
Do you agree with the
Mary R Jackson's picture
I have always been an atheist
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I don't believe anything in
CyberLN's picture
1. If you will never believe
Lmale's picture
Your claim that the first
Spewer's picture
"now you tell me what happens
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
There was religions before,
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Sorry i didn't get it spewer
Lmale's picture
Dude christianity is 2000


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