Why don't races in World of Warcraft evolve?

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Grinseed's picture
Fifty points to Tinman House
Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "Perverse
malinkastrong's picture
In World of Warcraft, races
Kataclismic's picture
Because evolution isn't
demik's picture
I love battle games. But now
Bob44's picture
Maybe you're doing something
Jemis's picture
See your point! I appreciate
Tetndezi's picture
The lack of racial evolution
Tetndezi's picture
In World of Warcraft, races
Nelisss's picture
Modern times should belong to
Donnovan's picture
I don't know. If i actually
Nammarok's picture
I mean ok. Like in Warhammer?
NathanPerry's picture
¡Hola a todos! Quería
carlmarx's picture
Can't tell for Warcraft. But


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