Why God and not us?

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Danny Craft's picture
Why God and not us?

When lost in thought of the magnificence of the universe, I do often contemplate how it all began, if at all. I reject the idea of a creator because of the simple question; if a god created the universe, what created the god? Though that is not the point of this thread.

.. It's very difficult for the human mind to comprehend infinity, yet when you ask a theist that question, a common response is "nothing created god, god simply IS. God is infinite. No creation, no end.. This puts me on a curious train of thought; Why is it possible for you comprehend a god, or the realm or dimension (or whatever you want to call it) that a god exists in as infinite, yet not our own?
.. If you believe we will cross over to another plane and either go to heaven or hell FOREVER, why can you not comprehend that maybe THIS universe in fact was not created and just IS?

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Zaphod's picture
Perhaps it has something to
SammyShazaam's picture
That certainly is a bold
CyberLN's picture
Ludicrous to more, but
Danny Craft's picture
Yea it's a weird one Sammy
Lmale's picture
Heres something annoying
Lmale's picture
You should read my stardust
Lmale's picture
Hey the pastofarians got
Zaphod's picture
That's great news! At least I
SammyShazaam's picture
However it turns out, I just
Lmale's picture
They have real prayers ending
Lmale's picture
Lmale's picture
Stephen hawkin says time did

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