Why is God so homophobic?

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arakish's picture
Why is God so homophobic?


Although written with a comical tone, I am damned serious about everything I say. Don’t like it? Your problem.

Foremost, I wish to apologize to any ladies here. There is nothing derogatory meant towards us males’ better half.

I know everyone has wondered about this. How many have ever thought of a reason?

Well … How about this? The Christian God is so homophobic because He is a homosexual Himself. Think about it. Even with the Trinity …

God the Father is always referred to as in the masculine gender. Well … duh. Cannot be a Father if you ain’t masculine.

Jesus the Son was a man. Duh …

Now with the Holy Spirit/Ghost … we get a little fuzzy. However, there are a few references to the Holy Spirit/Ghost also being masculine.

Now take a look at all the angels. Not one of them is feminine. I have NEVER seen any reference in the Bible to a feminine angel. Now some are some form of weird creature-like things; however, for the most, they are all male.

All those masculine beings and not one female. Think about it.

After God made Adam and Eve, then kicked them out of the Garden, and told them to be fruitful and multiply … and He watched. You know He did.

Talk about the ultimate voyeur … After God watched, I guarantee His first thought was, “Damn! I should have made at least one of those angels a female …

Thus, the Christian God is so damned homophobic because He is jealous of the fact that at least some human males can get some nookie. Additionally, He is so embarrassed that His omniscience never let Him know about the “all male” thing.


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Sapporo's picture
Men create god in their own
Sky Pilot's picture
bigbill's picture
God created man in his image!
Sapporo's picture
If god cared about
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ billy
algebe's picture
@faith in God: As for being
Tin-Man's picture
Fleeing in Terror's picture
God is NOT the Great Penis in
Sheldon's picture
Adult human sexual desires
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
" homosexuality is imperfect.
XyberEX's picture
He can't be perfect. He made
LogicFTW's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
@FIGF: "...god is perfect..."
chimp3's picture
So! The fear that you might
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arikida
Tin-Man's picture
Don't worry, Arakish. Old Man
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Armando Perez's picture
@arakish Great summary! I
Fleeing in Terror's picture
God isn't homophobic - He/she
Sky Pilot's picture
Mrs. Paul Owczarek,
Sheldon's picture
"God isn't homophobic - He
Tin-Man's picture
@MPO RE: "It is the pagans
Sheldon's picture
Humans create deities that
arakish's picture
@ Arakish
LogicFTW's picture
You could spend a lifetime
arakish's picture
Dang. I forgot. Although I
fishy1's picture
Okay, well as is often the


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