Why would any woman that has truly read the Bible follow it?

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Flamenca's picture
Jon, please, do so. I'd say
jonthecatholic's picture
Oh. You just said something
Burn Your Bible's picture
I would say the fundamental
AJ777's picture
Is not the law of whatever
Flamenca's picture
@JontheCat.objective morality
jonthecatholic's picture
Started reading and here are
Burn Your Bible's picture
Please look up Scientific
AJ777's picture
If God doesn’t exist the
Burn Your Bible's picture
Ok so do you believe that god
algebe's picture
@AJ777 "If God doesn’t exist
AJ777's picture
I’m not saying that an
Burn Your Bible's picture
So is god 100% moral without
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "It’s just opinion
Flamenca's picture
@AJ, to what Algebe said, I'd
AJ777's picture
The question isn’t what is
Flamenca's picture
@AJ where do morals come from
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "Whose society is
AJ777's picture
You can read a book and deny
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "You can read a book
Flamenca's picture
@AJYou can read a book and
AJ777's picture
You might want to read about
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "Then god a moral law
Flamenca's picture
My example was trying to show
Flamenca's picture
@AJ, Yet not interested in
AJ777's picture
How can anything be fair or
Flamenca's picture
@AJ for being honest and
AJ777's picture
Ok nice talking to you.
Flamenca's picture
In my EPITAPH, it's written:
AJ777's picture
I think it’s interesting that
Flamenca's picture
Lying and being dishonest in


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