Why would any woman that has truly read the Bible follow it?

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Flamenca's picture
I'm saying, Aj, that it
AJ777's picture
So if an individual in
Flamenca's picture
So if an individual in
AJ777's picture
Tell the thousands of victims
Burn Your Bible's picture
What makes a rapist incorrect
Flamenca's picture
@AJ. As a matter of fact, I
Burn Your Bible's picture
What is one common issue
AJ777's picture
Why are human relations and
Flamenca's picture
Because we have established
AJ777's picture
I’m glad you appreciate life,
Flamenca's picture
Morality changes over time,
jonthecatholic's picture
So would you say that female
Flamenca's picture
@JontheCat. So would you say
jonthecatholic's picture
Okay. So you're idea is that
Flamenca's picture
@JontheCat. How about killing
AJ777's picture
In Protestant Christian
Flamenca's picture
@Aj, my question was about
AJ777's picture
Do you believe there is such
Burn Your Bible's picture
AJ777's picture
Is anything evil or wrong
Flamenca's picture
It's neither of them: it's
AJ777's picture
Angiebot, then why are you
Flamenca's picture
Of course not. I believe
jonthecatholic's picture
Okay. I can actually roll
Flamenca's picture
Hi, Jon. We have recently a
jonthecatholic's picture
I agree with thread being too
Flamenca's picture
@JontheCat. I meant we
jonthecatholic's picture
That's exactly, my point. You
Flamenca's picture
Well, @JontheCat., Sam Harris
jonthecatholic's picture
Suffering isn't the thing I'm


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