The Worst Arguments

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Tin-Man's picture
@Dumb Ox Re: Multiverse
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right! I've been lucky that I
LogicFTW's picture
@Dumb Ox
algebe's picture
"God moves in a mysterious
arakish's picture
Here is how the "Fine Tuning
Mikeykitty123's picture
Bad argument for Theists:
Sheldon's picture
"Bad argument for Atheists:
hiwaystar's picture
I saw a theist argument that
Sushisnake's picture
@Rushing and Dragging
algebe's picture
@Rushing or Dragging: leads
arakish's picture
Rushing or Dragging: I saw a
Sheldon's picture
I'm adding a generic
Terminal Dogma's picture
Lots of good bad arguments
Tin-Man's picture
My wife works with a few
avery828's picture
Growing up in a Southern


Attach Image/Video?: 

Tin-Man's picture
@Southern Atheist
Cognostic's picture
@Southern Atheist:
Cognostic's picture
I haven't put an argument in
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Cog - "Trees exist,


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