You can't prove God doesn't exist

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Tor Hershman's picture
No one can prove if a god
paradigm's picture
We can prove that god doesn't
Tom Haynes's picture
Just use simple logic to help
Valentina Supergirl Taing's picture
who's to say a theoretical
Tom Haynes's picture
Shock of God
Juris123's picture
The existence of God cannot
Zaphod's picture
Agreed it makes no sense once
AmericanMind's picture
It all gets to the semantics
SammyShazaam's picture
I was talking about this
Lmale's picture
Stephen hawkings claimed god
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"It all gets to the semantics
matthjar's picture
Finally.... I love that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Missed this post(i apologize)
Lmale's picture
Hey look proof that god
Gordan Šojat's picture
matthjar's picture
In Many way i think that You
Lmale's picture
You simply describe a non
killerbee's picture
Proving that the christian
C.G._Cruttenden's picture
Can I ask, what compels some
WilfDisney's picture
This is an interesting post.
Nutmeg's picture
Einstein's theories made
WilfDisney's picture
Einstein did make predictions
Nutmeg's picture
Theories which were disproved
WilfDisney's picture
I'm not anti-science, but it
SeanBreen's picture
@Shock of God "I won't ask
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes. Absence of evidence is
Nyarlathotep's picture
WilfDisney - "Making a
WilfDisney's picture
No, not really.
CyberLN's picture
"So without any proof
WilfDisney's picture
"Thinking that the laws of


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